Thanks folks, we’ve spent the morning cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and chatting and it’s been fine. We are both on the same page, we both feel the same way and so it’ll be alright. One day we will laugh about this .
So moving back on to fantasies … how about a movie night, a blanket, hot drinks and just romance ? Lol
That sounds pretty perfect to me, I would love that
love it.
my fantasy is a weekend with the whole family in the great outdoors with perfect weather
Right now my fantasy is a time machine (to go back in time and give my head a bloody wobble) , a miraculous 24 hour three stone weight loss miracle and a huge budget to spend on lingerie so I might feel slightly attractive …
Also the trashy TV, a blanket and my family around me.
Ah how fantasies change !
We are town dwellers so the great outdoors sounds lovely to me. Picnic blankets and the sound of music ? Hehe
@FortySomethingWife glad to hear you have talked things through and are ok.
My current fantasy is for Mrs Tintin to be more dominant. I would like her to tell me to stip, bend me over a chair and spank and tease me.
Her fantasy is the great outdoors.
Her naked, me clothed, up against a tree, then riding me.
I think both of these are easily achievable!
My husband has got huge fantasies of me being a dom but when I’ve tried in the past we’ve either ended up in fits of giggles or I’ve burnt the carpet !
How did you burn the carpet?
It’s because she was so hot! xx
Dammit that should have been my first thought!
I dropped a candle … don’t ask. I was trying to be the romantic type of dom … only I lit the candle and dropped it! It was more of a comedy scene than sexy
But that’s what sex often is… it rarely is movie perfect (bdsm movie or else).
Sex toys getting lost, gone to patterns rather than continuous vibrations, cat refusing to get off the bed…
Giggly sex is still excellent sex in my book.
I’m a big fan of giggly
I’ll throw in a +1 for that. I accidentally jizzed up Mrs Chimp’s nose last night.
Ok so I decided to reclaim what was mine last night and tried my damned hardest to stay poker faced and be the bad ass dom he’s begged for and I’ve tried to be a few times but failed.
I thought that if this last weekend has been a fantasy tick list then let’s check his final box (he wanted a threesome - he got one, he wanted proper DOM - let’s show him!)
Well once again I think the line between fantasy and reality made him realize sometimes fantasies are best left as that!
I’ve got to say I went to town with an incredible outfit including his work tie around my neck, my hair totally gelled back into a ponytail and heavy makeup of a goth doll…
I then used restraints, hot wax, ice, paddles, clamps, whips, pin wheels, feathers, and toys that are incredibly taboo (you can guess). YOU NAME IT I HAD IT- including his leather belt which I decided to add in for effect.
He firstly started giggling which is when I’d usually collapse into giggles also but I just got mean instead and did my best to be just like the damned videos he keeps sending me.
I did the whole selfish bitch thing, I did the bossy bitch thing, I did the humiliating bitch thing (something around my lingerie lol) and I did every possible thing I’ve seen that he says he enjoys from dom style porn.
Turns out he didn’t like not having control one damned bit. Well it’s probably a good thing as whilst I can now role play as bossy bedroom bitch without breaking role Im glad to be off the hook as a dom now as he’s realized it’s just a fantasy. He said it was incredible to see me regain my power and be so forceful but it was actually terrifying also and not in a sexy way.
One thing is for SURE if he were to tell a friend what he’s done this last week they would call bullshit on him. He’s a very lucky man and if he thinks otherwise I’d like to see him try and find the opportunities and experiences he’s had this last week elsewhere …
Personally I’m starting to accept vanilla is possibly the best ice cream flavour anyhow because it always works in a cone with a flake, right?
That’s so funny lol
You can do interesting things with Flakes @FortySomethingWife
Seriously though, I love this as a response, and I hope he’s learnt a valuable lesson there.
But more importantly, well done you for getting yourself up and ready for that. I’ve been a bit worried, but that brought a smile to my face.
Well, I highly doubt he’s going to run off with anyone else (if he did he’d be a fool) and I could either sit and mope about my own insecurities or do what I would back in the days when I was a teenager in the middle of a bad break up…
Put my big girl knickers on, slap a load of makeup on and fake it till I make it.
I’ve got to share one of the lines I said last night @KinkyMira and must admit (cringe) I felt bloody good saying it whist walking around the bed lol “DONT F*#K WITH ME IM A BITCH ON FIRE” at which point I literally poured hot wax all over him LOL
He looked terrified whereas I didn’t even flinch as in my head it was a bit of payback!
Guess I can lounge around in my PJs tonight and watch trash TV (my personal fantasy) hehe - besides he’s got a carpet to vacuum and a shower to clean out because I sure as hell ain’t doing it.
Have I had my confidence knocked ? Omg yes…
Will I let it break me ? HELL NO!
Bring on the PJs, snacks and some really cheesy TV