When did you last have sex?

Last night I came in dressed as the maid and he looked rather dirty so I cleaned him :wink: he then ordered me to the end of the bed half hanging off he goes deep and hard, going fast he makes me orgasm as he cummed.

This morning I noticed he was still hard so I just helped myself and gave him his favourite. We then moved to hard press deep and hard and finished together.


Last night. I bent the wife over the sofa and we had a session of doggy before she orgasmed


You are just amazing @Dirty-Wife I love to hear about your exploits you certainly would never disappoint, that for sure.


An hour or so ago.

She let me watch her masturbate and, as a special treat, she let me choose her vibrators and she let me edge her by moving her hand away as she got close to orgasm.

Her first orgasm was with a small bullet, her second was with the Womanizer and her third was with the Rocks Off vibrator. Thereā€™s no way she can edge with that one. She comes almost instantly.

When she was done she wanted to watch me being done by the fxxxing machine so I fired that up and let her watch, stroke and squeeze me as the dildo pumped in and out of my ass. No orgasm though.

Weā€™re up now and sheā€™s got me naked, wearing a slave collar chained to my cage and a Dr Johnson plug inside me.

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:relaxed: itā€™s only been this past year our sex life has rocketed, since we found LH.


@Dirty-Wife . I think the past tense of to cum is came.:joy:ā€¦ not that it matters.

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Friday night :smirk: we were away for the weekend at a hotel so after a few drinks in the bar we slipped off to bed and had ourselves a great night. Still having flashbacks of the hair pulling :yum::joy: the bed however was awful squeaked non stop and was the most uncomfortable nightā€™s sleep weā€™ve both had.


Last night he used my new womanizer pro40 on me :drooling_face::drooling_face: that didnā€™t really take long. I then put him in my mouth and done his favourite and edging him. We then moved into the sandwich, put his hand over my mouth to gag me and with his other hand pulled my hair back going deep and fast until he cummed.

He surprised me this morning by wanting more. He put himself in my mouth and deepthroated me. We then moved to hard press, hitting all the right spots making me orgasm as he cummed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This morning.

Itā€™s Sunday. Shaving, licking and rimming for her and nipple clamps with chains, slave collar and anal hook with chain for me.

For a change rather than wearing my chastity cage I was wearing a steel triple cock and balls ring which left my penis accessible so she decided that she wanted to watch me edge myself.

I decided I would push the boundaries a little so I asked her to insert one of my sounding rods while I was stroking myself. To my surprise she didnā€™t demur at all and slid it in nicely. This was a big step for her. She also moved it in and out in time with my stroking movement so it felt like I was being masturbated from inside and outside. Very nice. No orgasm for me though.

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so half hour ago, i showed my husband this i had just received and tried on,

safe to say, he liked it, he started by sucking my nipples and slid his fingers in me in the middle of the bathroom :slight_smile: good buy i say :slight_smile:


Yesterday, after having a week away with the kiddos it was a quickie for us before starting showers for us all. He got what he needed I almost did but :woman_shrugging: I canā€™t win them all I suppose :joy:

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That looks so sexy @Queendirty88 and iā€™m not surprised at your husbands reaction. It looks very very sexy. I bet you looked stunning in it.

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I can report that he liked it alot last night, feels so sexy wearing it and the fact it drives him crazy is only to my benefit :wink: @steve19

I recently introduced myself as starting an adventure in sexual pleasure after a hiatus of some years. When I started out about 3 weeks ago with attempting to bring myself to orgasm, I did manage it, but it took a long time and didnā€™t happen every time I tried it. I have been doing it solo in the forest, but this morning I was lying in bed with my toys (particularly the new Lelo Ina Wand from Lovehoney) and I decided to call my partner in. He has been inactive for a long time too. Anyway, he was quite willing and ended up operating the wand while I pleasured him orally. I came! It was a gentle one but very nice and we both got a lot of enjoyment from it. I have ordered some toys he can use and look forward to using them.
If you have ā€œgiven upā€ on orgasm or pleasuring, there is hope for you yet. If I can manage it then others can, although we are all different. I will update my posts on what is working for me and hope others can offer their insight too.
Cheers :green_heart::evergreen_tree::heartpulse:


Was good to read you had a good time :slight_smile:

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Most refreshing to hear of your current orgasm journey and many Iā€™m sure will value hearing more updates too! :smiley:


Thatā€™s brilliant :slightly_smiling_face: itā€™s nice to hear.
Before I got with my husband I never had an orgasm, my previous relationships were abusive physically and mentally so I tried to stay away from the sexual side of the relationship, and I very rarely masturbated either. When I got with my hubby I was worried about having sex with him, worrying about him judging me. But omg the first time we had sex it was amazing, and he gave me my very first orgasm through penetration and I didnā€™t want him to stop :joy: we tried different ways for me to orgasm through masturbation as well. Skip to now, itā€™s only been this past year our sex life has rocketed since finding LH and the amount of toys Iā€™ve got, to use solo or together. Iā€™ve gotten so much more confidence in myself cos of him, from nothing to owning lingerie, bondage and toys.


Itā€™s good to hear that your experiments and rekindled curiosity is proving fruitful :+1:

Iā€™ve been on a journey of discovery in the last few weeks thanks to LK too and have found the forum to be a great place to grow and share, so I hope to continue along the same path with us.

Iā€™m looking forward to hearing your updates :hugs:


What a lovely positive post @tpatch

Iā€™m so pleased for you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yaaaayyy - get you! :partying_face:

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