Where did it go?

Kind of random but I was wondering if I'm the only one that for some reason now can't find deal of the week? It's completely disappeared from the website on my screen......


I can never find it anymore and never get an email for it ![](upload://f8zGclFeQx35HwZLqJ7J1rFzQ0n.gif)

Thanks again SS x

It's on the landing page on the left

Desk top or mobile? I can't see it on desktop, I rarely use the mobile site.

Purring-Pussy wrote:

Desk top or mobile? I can't see it on desktop, I rarely use the mobile site.

I don't see it either, I have the deal of the week page that Sum Sub linked saved in my bookmarks and just refresh it each week to see what the deal is that week.

Maybe if you try re-subscribing to deal of the day emails you will get emails about deal of the week too (I get them in the same email).

Guys, it's on the home page - if you scroll down you will see a picture with DEAL OF THE DAY written on it, both desktop and mobile. There is also a link to it in the Sex Toys drop down menu.

PPD, they are talking bout the deal of the week.. And nope I can't find it either.... I use mobile x

Oh crap sorry! I think Sub's link confused me, with the dotd in it. But yeah, Deal of the Week seems to have disappeared from the site! If you get Deal of the Day emails, the link is in the bottom of each one though - that's how I get mine anyway.

Lol.. Oh and thanks for email tip... I didn't realise that x