We both love watching same sex porn, usually when we are masturbating. When we watch porn together it’s usually MF sex but there is something really sexy about seeing two people of the same sex.
Is it just us or do other couples watch the same as us.
We are occasionally bisexual with a couple.
Preference would be MM but i like watching male masturbation aswell. My porn choices for MF tend to be BDSM based. to be honest though i dont really watch porn that often. I could probably count on 2 hands the amount of times in a year id watch.
I watch FF basically to get ideas to try in real life. I’m amazed by the creativity of women in pleasuring each other, if you get away from the manufactured stuff.
I watch MF and combos with MF and my kink du jour just to be turned on.
No more than once a week though.
I enjoy both FF and MM same sex porn. It makes a change from MF as that can get boring.
I agree with @batjamboree love to look at naked female and male bodies
For years I avoided watching any bisexual porn because I didn’t consider myself remotely bisexual. But I slowly realised that virtually all men are bicurious, got over my inhibitions, and realised it can be very erotic.
I also realised that, basically, I just love seeing people enjoying sexual pleasure, and it doesn’t matter what type it is, or who is involved, as long as there is a real sense that they are enjoying it, and not faking it for the cameras.
I only like gay porn. What rearly gets me annoyed is i surf for gay bj porn and click on the link thats going to take me to the site of much yummyness and bang on screen some house wife with a dildo advertising click for a good time ! I mean WTF!!! Im looking for gay porn and doris pops up, instant loss of boner
For me it kind of depends whether I’m crushing on a girl or not, as my romantic status kind of influences my sexual interests. Right now, I’ve been talking to a German girl who I’m really bonding with, so I’ve definitely had more of an interest in FF porn, but if my connections are more with men then handjob videos are my go-to.