Now that glass and stainless steel toys are more common and are also more easily sterilised how many people would buy a second hand toy ?
- Second hand Glass
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- Second Hand Stainless Steel
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Now that glass and stainless steel toys are more common and are also more easily sterilised how many people would buy a second hand toy ?
0 voters
0 voters
To be fair is rather buy new. Something about buying second hand I don’t feel comfortable doing
Unless you was to boil or bleach them, then they would not be clean enough for me to us. STIs and HIV can be fatal to the wrong person with immunity diseases. Also it feels sexy and exciting to have a new toy.
With both glass and metal, they may be clean, but how do you know they aren’t damaged and have imperectible sharp edges until you use them and get damaged soft tissue?
@KentCouple1990 I have a feeling this is going to be most people way of thinking and the vote will probably be very heavily No or a complete Landslide No. Just curious about the Glass and Stainless toys as they are more easily sterilised would be more acceptable but again i think probably not.
Even though you can probably 100% sterilise them, I still feel iffy about using a second hand toy that has probably been inside someone else. I’d rather just pay more and get them new.
I’ll happily buy second hand clothes, books, etc. But not sex toys.
In group sex sessions they don’t use single used sex toys.
In all honesty i think everyone is going to feel pretty much the same second hand is fine for somethings but when it comes to sex toys it just has a bit of an ick factor too it.
So far the vote is exactly as i imagined it would be.
Buy new but when allowing others to use them, use condoms and sterilise them after.
@anon16818370 That would probably be the more sensible option.
As we have never been in or ever going to be in a group sex scenario it will never
be an issue for us and Mrs onlyones would absolutely never entertain the thought of a second hand toy regardless of what material it was made from , for which i am eternally grateful .
Pretty much in line with most people i think.
I have a feeling that yes to second hand glass may have been in error .
I’ve used my own toys (mainly dildos) in a group session but I put condoms on them. I’ve shared a couple of wands Without condoms at my discretion, with people I trust.
Why are you asking? And never say never who knows what the future holds!
Here’s an example…a few months ago i was eating my dinner, suddenly the side of my mouth felt rough and started bleeding. On close inspection the fork had somehow got a slight burr on the edge, and i had painlessly shredded the side of my mouth. Now imagine the damage an imperfect metal or glass toy might do!
@Onlyones yeah I know what you mean. I think it’s more the taboo of using someone else’s toy that would probably turn most people away
@anon16818370 I didn’t think of group sessions! Great shout!
@anon16818370 In all honesty i was only asking purely out of curiosity as most of the contributors to this forum are a good number of years younger than we are and just wanted to see if the ick feeling towards it was a general feeling (which it seems to be) or more of a generational one.
I’ve seen plenty sex toy bloggers that sell toys they have used. Sometimes it was just the once, often it had been used often, so it does happen and they can sell quickly.
Personally I don’t think I’d be happy to use either the glass or stainless steel. I’d much prefer to buy new.