Would you Buy Second Hand?

I worked in a hospital a few decades ago. They didn’t sterilise their endoscopes properly and caused major infections in several people before the problem was discovered.

I worked in a department where standard procedure was to wipe a probe down carefully between patients then use a new instrument condom when the probe was dry. We were out of condoms more often than not.

I’m very eco-conscious but believe that when it comes to hospital instruments that are inserted into the body (usually several a day), the best way to protect people is to use disposable if available.

It comes down to standards. If you sterilise properly you’re safe. I use several methods to disinfect and sterilise depending on the item. Some things are easier than others but there are a lot of great body-safe disinfectant brands out there that will kill every microbe you can apply it to. I use hypochlorous acid a lot as I suffer with a lot of allergies and it doesn’t trigger them, but only after I’ve properly washed an item first. I’d ask Lovehoney to stock it as a toy/body cleaner but you have to be careful on some metal surfaces as it can discolour it if left on a while. I’d love to put a request on the Pander thread but I’m Lovehoney faithful and wouldn’t want them to have complaints even if they were due to user error.

AverageJoe - yes. Steel is amazing. Weighty, temperature-sensitive and super easy to sterilise. Go for it!

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I only have one steel toy but it’s incredible. Best one of my collection (although I don’t have that many).


Restraints yes, clothing maybe, toys not likely.
Do agree that ones that could be well cleaned and sanitised are better, definitely not the porous materials

@EllieTheFluffyHedgehog Thanks, sounds like I might have to take a look at the steel toys then :smiley:
This one looks a good one to start with, anyone tried it out?

I have used a vibrator my friend had no longer use for she had not used for some time so with a good clean it was finec

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Sorry for the slow response by the way, life’s got in the way recently. That’s the one I have and I adore it. I’ve written a review for it, I think it’s up now? By Ellie the fluffy Hedgehog.

It’s not the best review, but the product hasn’t got many reviews so thought it might be helpful for you.

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Thanks @EllieTheFluffyHedgehog I think I’m going to buy it :shopping_cart: Helpful review by the way.

Thank you! I just try my best to help out.

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My mate took my old fleshlight and he’s alright with it.

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Yeah if in good condition. Money is tight these days

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I would not recommend sharing Fleshlights as they can not be properly sanatised!

we used condoms on it

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No. I don’t have a tangible reason but there are just some things I wouldn’t buy borrowed or second hand.

Anything that goes in me or on my delicate areas gets bought brand new :wink: :woman_cartwheeling: :shopping:

Did I say a ‘hell yeah’
you pantie sellers out there should sell your ‘pre loved’ loved things too
@Blonde_Bunny: you know who I mean :grin:

  • Discount for lovehoney members - :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@Onlyones 150+ votes is great poll participation. :clap::partying_face: There should really be a badge for that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you think it’s worth adding a fresh one to the OP with avatars and more options based on the later discussion, or is it too late?

I was thinking something like this:

Would you buy second-hand…
  • Glass Toys
  • Steel Toys
  • Silicone Toys
  • Soft Plastic Toys
  • Hard Plastic Toys
  • Lingerie
  • Bondage Accessories
  • I would not buy any of these second-hand

0 voters

(I’ve closed this example one now it’s got a couple of voters to show what it could look like. :+1:)