I worked in a hospital a few decades ago. They didn’t sterilise their endoscopes properly and caused major infections in several people before the problem was discovered.
I worked in a department where standard procedure was to wipe a probe down carefully between patients then use a new instrument condom when the probe was dry. We were out of condoms more often than not.
I’m very eco-conscious but believe that when it comes to hospital instruments that are inserted into the body (usually several a day), the best way to protect people is to use disposable if available.
It comes down to standards. If you sterilise properly you’re safe. I use several methods to disinfect and sterilise depending on the item. Some things are easier than others but there are a lot of great body-safe disinfectant brands out there that will kill every microbe you can apply it to. I use hypochlorous acid a lot as I suffer with a lot of allergies and it doesn’t trigger them, but only after I’ve properly washed an item first. I’d ask Lovehoney to stock it as a toy/body cleaner but you have to be careful on some metal surfaces as it can discolour it if left on a while. I’d love to put a request on the Pander thread but I’m Lovehoney faithful and wouldn’t want them to have complaints even if they were due to user error.
AverageJoe - yes. Steel is amazing. Weighty, temperature-sensitive and super easy to sterilise. Go for it!
Restraints yes, clothing maybe, toys not likely.
Do agree that ones that could be well cleaned and sanitised are better, definitely not the porous materials
Sorry for the slow response by the way, life’s got in the way recently. That’s the one I have and I adore it. I’ve written a review for it, I think it’s up now? By Ellie the fluffy Hedgehog.
It’s not the best review, but the product hasn’t got many reviews so thought it might be helpful for you.