A little advice on a private area

So basically I suffer from eczema and in the last few weeks I’ve had an issue around my crotch area and labia majora that I’m basically really sore but unlike eczema usually the skin isn’t dry it’s peeling like when you’ve had a tan...I’ve tried sudacream and as soon I am able to wear my joggers so that I’m not wearing anything tight which could rub or make it worse from moisture and I’ve been wearing cotton knickers and it isn’t as bad as it was but I do have patches of raw bleeding skin around my crotch...I don’t know what’s causing it or how to deal with it better than I am and I’m confused by the skin peeling instead of just being dry like usual eczema...has anyone else suffered similarly or have an idea of what I could try. As you can imagine it’s really starting to bother me :(

How about a cream for nappy rash ? Bepanthen is good....very soothing. A silver sulphate cream would be perfect.....something like Flamazine. I use that as I have a condition which can cause vaginal ulcers. It's perfectly safe as it used on patients with severe burns...it's very soothing and great for healing open sore places (it doesn't sting).

I get mine on prescription but I would imagine you could get it from a pharmacy or maybe online xx

Sounds like what I get in the same place, a type of psoriasis. It took more than 10 years to get such a simple diagnosis. I now only very occasionally need to use a 'foam' psoriasis treatment but I had a couple of weeks of antibiotics twice daily use of the foam before it was under control. You have my sympathy.

My OH suffers from psoriasis, going from mild to severe. Have you tried - E45 cream, Double Base Cream, sunbed treatments and what is now working for the OH - methotrexate, which is a chemotherapy agent and immune system suppressant. Hope one of these will help. x

Hemp oil can be very good for helping treat eczema, you can buy it from your local health food shop and you drink a spoonful daily. Maybe worth looking into trying that.

Sudocrem is good for this area

Straight to your GP and ask for a hospital dermatology referral!

Unless you have a GP with a specialist interest in dermatology at your surgery very few GP's will be able to do more than work through the various creams as helpfully listed by the members above.

Good luck!

My kids get treated with Hydrocortisone cream. It works really well. Could be worth a try. Hope you get it sorted.

+1 for 'see your GP', especially if it isn't like your usual eczema. Fragile, bleeding skin sounds like it could be https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/lichen-sclerosus/ but self- or peer-diagnosis via the Internet is no substitute for getting checked out in person.