Skin problems?

Hi all.

I was just wondering if i could ask some advice. At 23 i have honestly never had a spot in my life the out of nowhere i started getting severe acne my doctor gave me cream for it. Any whilst its helping my skin out greatly in terms of spots its now drying my skin out badly and some patches are red and scabby and seem to burn. I dont think im allergic to it as this did not start right away. But it's gradually starting now so i was wondering what to do.

I cant get a doctors appoitment till next thursday and even then not with the doctor that gave me the cream.

I'm using Differen. I'm not sure if this is a normal reaction. I'm also not sure if im alloud to post the name of the cream on here? Any help would be great

hey i think it is normal. Acne creams generally dehydrate the acne spots. They are designes to dry them out. Stop using it if it becomes really painful or if the skin gets dry enough that it cracks and breaks. You dont want to put that cream on broken skin x

Try a google search to see if the cream you were given has any interactions with aloe vera. If it doesn'T you could use some pure aloe to sooth your skin and counteract the side effects. It will have a lovely cooling effect and it it will moisturise. X

I was on zineryt as a teen, thats a rank smelling roll on liquid. Like sarah said it pretty much dried out my skin so it was a bit sore and sensitive. I used to get red dry patches so i cut down on how often i used it.

Worth mentioning though to your doctor incase theres a better one out there for you.

now THAT is a fantastic idea! Yeah it's fustrating i still have really spotty parts but others are painfully sore. I am gonna try and phone my doctor tomorrow and speak with him and ask him if i can just put it on my 'bad patches' and explain why.

I didnt even consider that, I threw the leaflet away because i didnt think anything bad would happen from a cream and then online its all 'posh names' that i dont understand.

But that aloe is a very good idea! I will have a look into it and see what i can do :)

Totally normal reaction to basically any acne medicine. Speaking as someone who has tried everything my Doctor can prescribe other than roaccutane (which I can't have due to mental health issues) it sucks but it happens. You just have to wait it out till your skin adjusts, often people say to use it once a day instead if twice but it just makes it take longer to adjust so better just sticking with it if you can tbh. Get a good moisturiser going too to try stop your skin cracking as using the cream on broken skin isn't a good idea.

Hope it clears soon! :/

JM88 wrote:

I was on zineryt as a teen, thats a rank smelling roll on liquid. Like sarah said it pretty much dried out my skin so it was a bit sore and sensitive. I used to get red dry patches so i cut down on how often i used it.

Worth mentioning though to your doctor incase theres a better one out there for you.

This sounds just like mine! (skin wise)

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Totally normal reaction to basically any acne medicine. Speaking as someone who has tried everything my Doctor can prescribe other than roaccutane (which I can't have due to mental health issues) it sucks but it happens. You just have to wait it out till your skin adjusts, often people say to use it once a day instead if twice but it just makes it take longer to adjust so better just sticking with it if you can tbh. Get a good moisturiser going too to try stop your skin cracking as using the cream on broken skin isn't a good idea.

Hope it clears soon! :

I have BPD so im guessing i cant use that either :( I've just never had to use a cream for something like this before. :(

If you do try the aloe it would be best to actually buy a plant to be honest. That way you know absolutely nothing has been added to it. that way you don't risk adding any oils or perfumes to your skin. Because the oils will just clog your pores and wont help the acne at all. And pefumes will just further irritate the sore patches x

MissBrownEyes92 wrote:

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Totally normal reaction to basically any acne medicine. Speaking as someone who has tried everything my Doctor can prescribe other than roaccutane (which I can't have due to mental health issues) it sucks but it happens. You just have to wait it out till your skin adjusts, often people say to use it once a day instead if twice but it just makes it take longer to adjust so better just sticking with it if you can tbh. Get a good moisturiser going too to try stop your skin cracking as using the cream on broken skin isn't a good idea.

Hope it clears soon! :

I have BPD so im guessing i cant use that either :( I've just never had to use a cream for something like this before. :(

No, suicidal thoughts and depression are both recognised side effect so no way! Not worth it. Have you tried any over the counter products? They're less harsh on the skin but potentially less effective depending on your skin...the superdrug tea tree range is lovely if you like the smell! Oh and if you like green tea gently dabbing the tea bag on your face then drinking the tea actually works wonders with hormonal acne. Random but feels lovely in your skin haha!

I also at 23 now have really bad acne, not just on my face but on my back as well, my doctor has gave me erythromycin an antibitoic for it. Maybe something like this might help if you find creams dry out your skin too much. :)

JM88 wrote:

I was on zineryt as a teen, thats a rank smelling roll on liquid. Like sarah said it pretty much dried out my skin so it was a bit sore and sensitive. I used to get red dry patches so i cut down on how often i used it.

Worth mentioning though to your doctor incase theres a better one out there for you.

cant recommend this enough. Had sever achne and this clears up. Also witchhazel is good too

Aloe vera might help to soothe the skin xx

If you manage to find out why you suddenly have acne then maybe you can make a lifestyle change that will get fid of the spots and therefore avoid the need for creams and pills.

have you had a hormone test? It could be a hormone imbalance, that could be resolved by a hormone coil or another contrasetive option.

Have you made any significant changes to your diet? You may have an intolerance to a food group like dairy or wheat, or it could be that you have started eating more of a "healthy" food that doesn't agree with your body.

just a couple of possibilities that you may not have thought of.

Try using pure coconut oil (food grade) as a moisturiser. I have terribly dry skin due to PCOS and I suffer from rosacea and bouts of seborrhoeic dermatitis too.

I use coconut oil for oil pulling and started using it as a moisturiser and I've never looked back. It takes off dry skin, it has a mild sun screen effect and it doesn't react with my prescribed creams and gels as it's all natural.

It can be quite pricey but I got a shed load off my OH for my birthday from H&B as it's half price and also in the penny sale right now ;)

Thanks everyone i'll write them down

And yeah the doc is looking towards PCOS... or Endo

Ok so i've just got myself some natural aloe toner and tea tree gentle face wash....i feel bad about it because i was going to use that £10 to make a gift order but i really need this to try and get my skin sorted...i cant stop crying its so fustrating! Gahhh

Due to severe germphobia i used to scrub my skin off with bleach, honestly the best cream i've ever had for soreness is savlon antiseptic cream. It's moisturising, has a pleasant smell, isn't waterproof like sudocrem, absorbs quickly and you can pick a tube up in virtually any pound shop. It's the only thing i use on any sore/cracked skin (or flesh where the bleach melted my skin off) and there is a massive difference in as little as 24 hours, nothing works like it, and being antiseptic it helps prevent any infection where the skin is broken too.

Lovehoney - Dani wrote:

I had pretty bad acne bordering on cystic as a teenager, until I went on birth control. I went on it primarily for my skin at 16 and have been on the same one since then (now 24).

Had I not gone on it I might have wound up on roaccutane, which my brother used, as did my partner when he was a teenager. Both have pretty crippling depression now, so while I'm not a doctor it's certainly not something I'm a huge fan of.

I also found that my rosacea and acne both settled down immensely once I started quenching my skin with more oily stuff at night. It sounds counterintuitive as hell but if I use Bio Oil or rosehip oil followed by a rich moisturiser at night, I wake up with less greasy skin than if I just cleansed and toned with nothing else afterwards to comfort it. I think if you have sensitive skin it freaks out and overreacts to harsh treatments, overcompensates by producing more oil that can lead to breakouts.

Salycylic acid or benzoyl peroxide based spot treatments are good if I want to suck the oil out of a nasty zit overnight but used too often or all over my face will leave me with flaky patches - I try to only use it if I really need to.

I couldnt agree more, I don't care what anyone says, but Roaccutane should be avoided at all costs, I had bad skin when I was younger and it was my face and back and I was perscribed this and it was terrible, serious bouts of depression and even nosebleeds and really dryskin and after I stopped using it and from further research I learnt it has led to suicide in so many casses around the world, trust me, the what depression from having bad skin might cause is nothing compared to this druf.

Over time I learnt a good cleaning regime is vital, with cleanser, toner, treatment etc, (not loads of scrubbing and making it raw, just the right products, and if I thought I saw it starting to get worse then I might switch something as I felt my skin got used to certain creams etc, but as you said your skin is getting very dry, and unfortuately and this is the hard thing, most creams etc are to dry out the acne and control sebum and dry skin is a side affect, so it's trying to find a balance between the 2 is the trick, not too dry that is flaky and dry and not to oily that it's blocking pores and causing buid up.

I found Dermatalogica Antibac and Medicated version really good, it's not the cheapest but it is very good, another treatment I used was called Dane (I think) I started with this getting fascials once a week and then I got some home products.

One of my best treatments was in fact a little sun, I always found my skin was at it's worst in the winter and really bad at the change of seasons.

Diet can be very important, I don't mean eating chocolate and all those things people say, what I mean is foods that might react with your skin, so sometimes and allergy test is good, I used to find citric foods made it worse, but one of the really important things is water, drink loads, drink it warm even, it helps flush your system. Zinc can help do this, and so does garlic, but you will find this can push up some whiteheads.

It can be terrible to suffer from acne and unfortunately people don't really know what it's like and how it affects people unless you suffer from it, It used to get me down a lot and then I remember times seeing a person and it would be severe and I would be so upset for them.

Really it will take time and patience, and sometimes it could get worse before it gets better, but it does get better.

But avoid Roaccutane.

This is all great thank you! I woke up today and the skin around my eye area is bleeding :( urgh.

I actually hate my body