
The hayfever seems never ending this year. Bleary, itchy, runny eyes; sneezy mcsneezeface & mucussy mucusersson.

I need a sealed, air conditioned room with a built in Pizza hut

You could be developing an alergy for Pizza ! ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Im lucky, I only get very mild hayfever now and again where I feel a skight tightness on my chest. I could not imagine having a cold all winter, then having cold like symptoms all summer.

Hope you feel better, sneezey.

mysteron wrote:

You could be developing an alergy for Pizza ! ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)


I thought it was just me!

I am in good company then xxxx

BLESS YOU! Mine is acting up too. Usually by now it has gone. I blink and it gets worse. Looks like I'm in tears which is a blast on the school run! If pizza helps count me in!

Don't have hay-fever issues but currently full of a cold so I can feel your pain. Its hard to breathe and hard to sleep at night because I'm having constant hot/cold flushes. :C

Never had hay fever, my son suffers with it, but only seemed to suffer at the beginning of summer and was milder than previous years and been fine since.

I'm usually an early hayfeverist - I think they call it grass pollen, so I usually suffer worse in May, and then again during harvest time (which is nowish); but this year it just hasn't stopped!

Me too and it seems to be getting worse each year and mines normally gone by now too 😐

I am affected by tree pollen which was bad this year. Loratadine is my tablet of choice.

You have my sympathy sub. I don't usually suffer from hayfever at all but I have this year and it's not pleasant x