Actively pursue badges here?

I have been putting a picture quiz together today which I will launch sometime tomorrow… didn’t want to overlap with the hump day quiz though! :rofl:

Very happy to do another Rebus one for the weekend if people would like it?

To be honest I have 4 or 5 games topics that I really enjoy (If anyone wants to continue Shag, Marry, Avoid that would be great as I’m the last poster and miss it! :rofl:) and just tend to ignore the rest.

In terms of badges, I don’t actively pursue them, I would have got my flag one by now if I did but I don’t want to flag something that’s not actually bad and I’ve not seen anything actively breaking the rules that fits in the flag tick box!

I would however like to know how to get the “Read Guidelines” or whatever it is called one as that is driving me mad! :rofl: