Age & profession

42 and a shelf filler

LMAO!! I wouldn’t have pictured you in that roll in a million years. Scared to call my telcom company to complain now because there may be more like you out there.

Had many careers with the latest being the greatest. Started with equestrian and architectural photography, transitioned to framing for museums here in Ottawa, had a dry cleaners for a while. Drove truck for a year ( you call them a lori). Past 18 years I have been a highrise site foreman. Currently 56.


Based on your replies, @Natalie, I think that is a really good fit.

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Oh? I fit that description do I? I wonder what gives it away? Do elaborate! I’m so curious!

And… how do you know that’s actually true? I might be a spy or just a figment of imagination?

I’m 36 in Sept, a housewife and run a blog for kinky disabled (and able-bodied!) people. Hubby is 38 in Oct and works in refridgeration.


@Tenshadesandme love it!

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I am 24 and currently work in insurance but am interviewing actively for counseling positions

31 and work in management for a CU

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Nothing nefarious @Natalie . Just a comment based on the tone of many of your messages.

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Lol… i was just being cheeky! I must at least sound authentic!
@be3169… I’m still a bit young a naive I’m afraid!

I’m 38 year old accountant. My OH is a 36 year old midwife.

I’m 58, business owner and OH is 56 senior manager, still loving our sexy time. I wouldn’t get too hung up on other peoples ages, after all it’s just a number.

I just turned 50 and I’m a 30 year experienced HVAC installation technician, fabrication and service.

56 paramedic but I took early retirement on health grounds.