An update on my education

As some know I was having some real issue sorting out of postgraduate studies as I lack the papers ( I just have confirmation I finished). Today I got finally enrolled! Although I am not sure how deep my students right are, yet. I will know next week. I may struggle in the coming months as it may end I will not be getting stipend until I submit all papers but I will have to already work for the university, for free - not happy about that one, while working my way to earn my living But it is a progress from the no way you get in to this.

I can only hope. Final results will be coming next week to see if I get my student card and my stipend.

Congrats, Laveila!!! Well done for being so persistant and doing what's right for you. :-)

I know. far from perfect, especially the money part sucks as I will have to work round my teaching, library work for the university, likely for free and yet earn enough money to survive. Bleh. Hope my partner in our long distance relationship is patient, as there is no way I will be able to pay visit and he is not in the position either.

But I guess its the first step, hopefully. Went through a real nightmare to get as far as this

Well done, congrats. Hope the money side of it gets sorted asap.

I am not in UK anymore. I am in my home country. I am PhD student. I finished my MA this September. In my home country internal PhD students work for the university in exchange for money, but I may have to work for free next few months, it does suck as I will have to earn all my living costs in my "free" time and yet manage to pass at least 2 big exams in the coming months and attend my duties, but it is as it is...

Congratulations lovely! I know it's not quite a perfect situation and it's a shame you've had such a nightmare sorting it all out and they've not been very organised but at least you'll get to do what you want to and you can enjoy it :)

Good luck!


Ok, the agreement is I will be working for free for months until paperworks is done and then I will get the money at once for several months. Thats good, but in the next 2-3 months I will be working 7 days a week in 2 part time jobs and at school and preparing for school... No day off and likely I will be working Christmas too... Oh well. But I have to pay my rent and food.

And I have no students rights either - including no student card so no student discounts anywhere. The only thing I will get is a proof of studentship for my taxes. I am just in the system and can do the exams me and my supervisor planned for me for this year.

Laveila - all the very, very VERY best for your course and all the work you'll be doing (written and labour). I'm WELL pleased for you inthat you're doing what you want studying wise but that IS harsh the amount of graft you will be putting in too. I just hope for your sake that when you r finished with study you can stop them jobs and do what U want!! Coz that is the whole point of studying, rite?

Please have a *gert BIG hug* from me to wish you well for the coming year.

D69x :-)