Any PC savvy people.

I ahve made no changes to my PC. Suddenly whenever I go on here or Facebook, I something pops up and says do i want to download.

It keeps repeating and is doing my head, as I am PC unsavvy, any help appreciated.

Sounds like you need to get your pc scanned for spyware. Lots of good free software programmes you could look at. I used Super Anti Spyware when I was being pestered by online shopping ads after i'd clicked on a link on Facebook. Norton 360 didn't touch it.

3 messages popped up again,


as above but remove wav for mp3

as above but remove wav & mp3 and replace with 0gg?

Thanks will give it ago.

The Hubby says scan your pc with windows defender and also try avg anti virus it used to be free for 1 month. x

run this

see if that finds anything.


I'd personally avoid AVG—I had nothing but problems with it. I recommend Microsoft Security Esseentials, then a scan with Malwarebytes. They're both free, and absolutely fantastic. If you want to be extra thorough, download Spybot, as well.

Thanks all will try all ideas as it is driving me mad.

System restore on ur computer.... Type it in search bar at the windows button... Or system recovery if u still have discs

If all else fails.. Get hirens boot cd on eBay.. It repairs laptop...

So 3 file extensions you refer to are all sound files and the Web address you typed seems to be an industry leader in live chat services...
is everyone jumping to conclusions?

MalwareBytes is a great piece if kit, if there's malware it will find it!

Are you using Chrome as your browser?
If so go to Tools>Extensions and remove anything suspicious (its normally very obvious). If you try to remove it but can't there's ways of doing it but there complicated. Say here and I'll try and remember to check later and will give instructions.

Download CCleaner.
Go though the Startup list and disable anything suspicious.
Go through the Uninstall list and do the same.

The startup list is very important, a lot of adware is easy to uninstall but then reinstalls when you restart your computer!

You'll then have either Microsoft security essentials or windows defender on your machine. If you're still having problems run scans in whichever you've got.

Besides doing what the members are suggesting you regarding an anti-virus, I would use a nice browser such as Firefox with the Adblock on and I would get Ghostery; it blocks a lot of tracers and unnecessary things in a website. I only disable it in sites such as Lovehoney and others that are ok to trust, and in those cases you only need to white list the site. Check it out and see if those problems go away, good luck.