Anything you want for a day

If someone told you that for an entire day they will do WHATEVER you want (ie you can do to them, or they will do for you)… then what are doing?

Oh, please, please, can they clean my house for me? I would love that!!! :pray:


If that’s your deepest desire… of course.

My perfect day would need a brain transplant as to have a perfect day I would need not to be thinking about work or my daughters.


I’ll take someone who has magical powers so they could work without stopping and put a new bathroom in for me. I would love that.


It is I’m afraid, my sexual desires are met but my house is a mess. Someone to do the housework would be truly fantastic… might need them for more than one day though :thinking:


I want to have sex until I literally pass out. I want the total attention of my partners, and to get passed from one to another. I want to get stimulated without a break, until I can’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. I need to cum hard enough that my pelvic muscles wring absolutely every last drop of liquid out of me, so I can finally feel like there isn’t something left inside me…something more I can’t quite get out. I want my sensitive parts whipped until I bleed, and until my clit hurts enough that I can’t put my legs together for a day or two.


I’m with @Peitho, someone to clean and organise my house would be lovely!

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So many possibilities!! I’d end up doing nothing as wouldn’t be able to decide what to do :rofl:

For him to take me out on a date, dont care where it is as long as he’s with me. Then get back and have the roughest, kinkiest sex ever :hot_face: then sit and cuddle and watch films on the sofa all night!


It depends on who is offering!! Henry Cavill would get a very different response to hubby lol

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I want what @awkward-yet-sweet said :drooling_face:

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My wish is for my wife to be interested in me and want to be intimate again this would make me happy


My wife and her best friend have their way with me. Me servicing them any way they want, them both using me and pegging me for the day.

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Partner and two friends give me a triple blowjob, followed by a day of wanton 69ing…


@Peitho . What about the naked butler…would that suit ?:smile:

If he brings a full compliment of household staff with him, that he will oversee, who will clean, tidy, organise, wash and generally sort my house out he can wear… or not wear… whatever he likes!

If it’s just him I don’t think he’d do a great job of the domestic chores in just one day. We’d keep getting distracted and I bet he’d leave bum prints on any freshly polished surfaces.

@Peitho . :joy: there is just no pleasing some people. I reckon you’d be the envy of your friends. " who is the naked hunk" , oh thats just my man Jeeves. He does for me .

Most of the things I would wish to happen would require magic powers . So as a backup plan give me sexual playmate for the day . She can be of almost any ( legal) age and a skilled sexual goddess to do anything I can think of . Oh and a masseuse / chiropractor . Must be a mistress of pegging and prostrate milking . And not mind having her pussy licked and tongued for extended periods of time . She must be limber , because I am not .

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