AUS deal of the day issue?

Just wondering if any other Aussies are having issues with the deal of the day? For the past 3 days it hasn’t been on the website so just wondering if it’s been moved or if it’s just me?


Also haven’t seen it for a few days, it’s not just you. Maybe because there’s so many deals on at the moment?

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I obviously use the UK site but have had to find it through searching for “deal of the day” since the sale has been on. It’s still there but hasn’t been on the drop down offers menu. Any chance that’s what is happening with yours? Otherwise, no idea.


I did try that, and a toy came up, but it wasn’t on sale…

I’d say to mention it in the Lovehoney Glitches thread, but I don’t know if anyone’s monitoring it while Brenna is on vacation… You could send a message with the online form since it has a “technical website query” section… Hope it gets sorted out :slight_smile: