Better Sex Guide Advice please

So here's the story

My wife and married young and have been brought up pretty conservative (both virgins in fact when we married)

We're not naive and know the basics (tab a into slot b etc) but we'd both like to spice things up and hopefully get over some reservations and inhibitions that we have.

So any advice on a good book we could both read together? Something that talks you through stuff; for example:

my wife is totally turned off by oral sex, won't entertain blow jobs, and rarely lets me go down on her, although she enjoys it; and that's what I really like. She doesn't like kissing me afterwards, I think that's what the issue is.

It would be nice if there was a book that talked through issues like this and maybe helped us work things out together.

I guess I'm more of a 'lets try things and see how it goes' where my wife is more reserved.

Any help would be really great. We love to please each other in bed and it would be good to make it better

Thanks a lot

Hello :)

I haven't read it myself but a lot of people on here seem to suggest this Tracey cox guide

I'm sure others will chime in and offer proper opinions but there is a starting point for you :) it's on sale too! Xx

Yeah I think that book would be good I wanna read it, not that my sex life needs spicing up, but its always good to get new ideas! And the tips and hints on the Tracy Coxs sex toys are always good so the book should be. =)

Lollipop you might try the super hot sex one! Lol xx

On amazon there is a book called "better sex" it s good, there is also a DVD called "lovers guide" I think it is 7 discs and is very good. I bought it and watched it even though we are older and have a good sex life, but did pick up some tips and your wife may change her mind on oral after watching!!

Tracey Cox Super Hot Sex was a bit rubbish I thought.

Or just too advanced for me, all on swingers clubs and such, not a lot on inert tab A in to slot B.

Yeah the one I recommended to OP is the supersex one which is different :) has ideas on introducing toys, making sex life more open etc x

Don't think I would bother reading the TC super hot sex one if its all about swingers clubs and that stuff, not into any or that like.


Yeah I have heard its a bit extreme... I just google or come on here for new sex ideas! This forum is like its own sex guide lol Xx

Lol that's what I always think too. I've learned so much on here. Xx