Bondage Reviewers - Review this secret kit

Hi, i would test this. Thanks!

Sounds very exciting! Definitely up to try and review the Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle :star_struck:

Thanks as always!

Definitely up for testing this kit out @Lovehoney_Brenna

I’d love to review this kit :hugs: sounds like tonnes of fun :smirk:

Hello Brenna,
the kit sounds super intriguing, I have some experience with candles but none with a pinwheel and I’d like to take it for a spin!

Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna

Very interested in reviewing the below items:

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

I understand the secret nature of the toys and the one month deadline is not a problem. Thank you for the opportunity :smiling_face:

We would love to be considered for this

Thank you

This sounds like all the things we like, so we’d definitely love to test it!

Yes please, would love to review Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

Hi Brenna

This sounds amazing! Would absolutely love to test this!!!

Would love to test this.

We’re relatively early into our bondage exploration so would happily test from a newcomers perspective :grinning:

Yes please!

Hi Brenna

Would love to give this a try!

Thanks for the opportunity

Hi! I’d love to try

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle


Yes please :pray:

Would love to try!
Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

Dipped toes into this but happy to try more @Lovehoney_Brenna

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

Hey Brenna,

We would happily test and review this kit.

Thank you

Hello, me and my wife would be definitely up for trying this!
