Bondage Reviewers - Review this secret kit

Can definitely test these out properly and give a review, please count us in too

Would love to review

Hi Brenna,
Would love to test Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

I would be happy to review the kit
Thank you

This is definitely something I’d wanna try

Hi Brenna,

We would love to test this and can do in less than a month.

Hi Brenna,

This sounds like a lot of fun! We’d love to be considered to test and reivew please. :blush:

Hi Brenna

We would love to test

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle



Oh, yes, that sounds like fun! Thanks!

Sounds great to test
Would love this
Thanks :slight_smile:

Happy to give this a review :slight_smile:

Shhhh ! Don’t tell no one but I’m happy to test and review!

Hey @Lovehoney_Brenna

Would love to test:

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

Cheers :grin:

Hi Brenna,

We would love to be a part of this testing, as all of the above is right up our street… :wink: Testing timeline is of no issue, we’d be trialling this straight away!


Would love to test

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

Happy to test @Lovehoney_Brenna

Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle



Love to test the Sensation Play Bondage Kit - Toys for Butt and Nipples/Restraints/Pinwheel/Hot Candle

Hi Brenda
We would definitely love to try this for you

Hi Brenna,

More than happy to test this kit out, time and secrecy not an issue

Thank you

Be happy to test .