Celebrate becoming a TL3 Regular here! 🥳

The forum works on Trust Levels, so the more you interact with it the more it assumes you know what you’re doing. :slightly_smiling_face: There are a few abilities that are limited at lower levels (the main one being uploading pictures), but getting to Level 2 is easy. You just need to log in for 15 days (not even in a row), read some topics, and throw a few likes about. :+1: There’s more detail on each of the levels (and how to get there) in Trust Levels.

I’ll chuck a link in to the Welcome Topic too, as that’s the main info hub. There’s loads of stuff in there, but you don’t have to read it all in one go. :slightly_smiling_face: Dip in and out as and when you need it. :+1: