Design a sex toy, any chance of a late entry?

I was just lying in bed and it came to me... Can I get a late entry?

Think they've chosen and notified the winners already I'm afraid! Keep it for next year x

When do we find out who won?

Cornish89 wrote:

Think they've chosen and notified the winners already I'm afraid! Keep it for next year x

Awwwww really? Ah well I'll try again next year ^_^.

Bugger.... I may have to try making it anyway...

Bugger.... I may have to try making it anyway...

Well, I wondered the same a few weeks ago, but didn't even get a reply... :) If you succeed, do tell! :)

I think LH will be running another one in the future. But it will probably be a good while yet.

I have entered a design and did never get any feedback except for the iniyial submission confirmation. Frankly, i think the process is a bit "obscure" wouldn't be so hard to send automated emails with status updates...

jmfgil wrote:

I have entered a design and did never get any feedback except for the iniyial submission confirmation. Frankly, i think the process is a bit "obscure" wouldn't be so hard to send automated emails with status updates...

It's a competition, and a complex one at that. It'll take time, and I think many of us are waiting to hear back anyway.

They have to make sure that the winners can be actually made when selecting them, so it will take longer than just looking / reading an idea =).

I would really love to see who won