Disgusted in these women.

I just flipped out on Facebook. Heres the story:

So a "friend" posted an Etsy page (People who hand make crafts and sell on Etsy) in which a woman made moulds of vulvas and turned them into pendants. Some of these vulva pendants were pictured, each looking different from the rest, of course. Anyway the friend had lots of comments underneath this picture. Here are a few choice comments, quoted directly:

"lmao. That's Rank!"

"Errr...whats with the "He/she" one" (One has a large clitoris)

"I thought that. No wonder people have surgery if they look like that lmao"

"That is sick. You would have to be sad to order one"

What the holy hell? Would it surprise you to know that every single one of these comments were made by WOMEN. (And more than half of them have daughters)

I normally stay out of this kind of stuff, but this person seems to do this a lot (Shaming women) and after reading those comments and getting angrier and angrier I jumped in and I posted this:

"While I wouldn't wear one of these. I totally get the point of them. Porno culture and the "perfect pussy" has caused a rise in women feeling ashamed of their vagina and taking drastic action, (Yup like surgery) to chop away at their bits. If they can't afford that, then they simply hide it, never showing partners or enjoying pleasure. Having sex with the lights off, even refusing to receive oral. I have even read of men slating their female partner for looking "wrong" down their because she has big lips. Yet another version of shaming women for not being perfect. I am sure everyone has heard derogatory terms used for lady bits, from "meat flaps" to "Badly wrapped kebabs" and hundreds more. This behaviour has sparked quite a few ladies who are disgusted by the amount of women ashamed of their bodies, to start such projects as the "Pussy pride project" and "Great wall of vagina" to show women that vaginas come in all shapes and sizes and that you should not feel ashamed of what you got. This Etsy project seems to be another form of celebrating that, and putting it out there that women do not have to conform to societies unrealistic beauty standards. I for one celebrate that, if it means more women (Including our daughters) stop chopping their bodies and denying themselves pleasure they rightly deserve. Go vagina necklaces!"

Absolutely sickened that women feel it is okay to shame and mock other women like this. I am not naive, I know it happens, but wow. How would these women feel if it was their daughters, or even their own vaginas being mocked and ridiculed. I may have lost a few "friends" on facebook, but as far as I am concerned those "friends" were worth losing. This is exactly the kind of shit that some poor woman will read and forever feel abnormal. Grrrrr!

Well said Fluffbags. That is all.

never really thought about this before now,and i never thought it was an issue its def given me something to think about i cant believe how bad its got

and have to agree with Mozzalini very well said

Very well said. It's sad that it's usually women picking on other women like that.

I agree - another well said from me!

These people who make those sort of comments are either perfect in every way or Mary whitehouse

well said!

there was an art exhibition a few years back of vaginas - it was amazing how many 'disgusted of little minded britian' people complained about it and wanted it banned.

FFS we all come in different shapes and sizes - some people need to get over it.

Quite sad how people (not just women) need to put others down in order to feel better about themselves

Fluffbags wrote:

I may have lost a few "friends" on facebook, but as far as I am concerned those "friends" were worth losing. This is exactly the kind of shit that some poor woman will read and forever feel abnormal. Grrrrr!

Well said Fluffbags! I wonder what their daughters would think if they read what their mothers were saying about other women. Its horrible now that some women feel the need to shame other women especially over something as beautiful as a vagina. So glad that you stepped in and said something!


Well said and good job standing up for it :)

Only now i really want a model of my gfs "lady parts" to wear round my neck....

very well said fluffbags i'm glad you said something!

dh wrote:

Quite sad how people (not just women) need to put others down in order to feel better about themselves

hear hear, if i was one of their daughters i would get one made just to piss them off :-)

I think what you said is fantastic. It's awful how people in this world are that far up their own asses to ridicule people like this, or are not open minded enough to admit sex is an everyday thing that happens in everyones lives and therefore shouldn't be hidden. I'm glad there are people like you and the everyone on here who would say something and are not this narrow sighted and pig headed about any part of anyones body.



Can we check them out?

Trial&Error wrote:


Can we check them out?

When I click on the original link, it says it is sold out (The pic has gone with the whole collection that was being judged by these women) however... the Etsy owner still has a picture of one pendant on its own here: http://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/123397916/exotic-orchid-vulva-portrait-pendant?ref=related-0

The original pictures I saw were more "moulds" of different vaginas (Not inside a flower shape)

I feel sick reading this, the woman who I was foisted on to bring me up said from me being a teenager that I was fat, years later in fact only last year I got some photos off me aged 19 in them I look so thin, I hated my body for years, today with a husband which loves me two very good friends who are the same size as me, I'm better about my body, thank God she never jumped on that bandwagon. I am so sad and angry women can be like this, Sorry for long rant, Fluffbags you did the right thing.

I love you guys :) Wouldn't it be great if LH started stocking these!

They "kind of" do....I think they sell clone a pussy moulds? I could check but cba lol. They definitely sell the clone a willy. Just get some strong...voila....pendant! lol :D

Okay maybe not....lifesize and all that! lol

Fluffbags wrote:

They "kind of" do....I think they sell clone a pussy moulds? I could check but cba lol. They definitely sell the clone a willy. Just get some strong...voila....pendant! lol :D

Okay maybe not....lifesize and all that! lol

All praise to fluffbags. This is partially why I started the labiaplasty thread. I think it is so wrong. I was an avid veiwer of NYPD blue. in 1 episode one of the main stars was envited to dinner with one of the uniformed women officers. She was gay and her partner was a scuplter. All the way through the meal, which was planned to ask him if he would be a sperm donner for them. You kept seeing an alabaster sculpture framed hanging an the wall. Never saw all of it till the end, when he asked what it was. What it actualy was, was a 6ft by 4ft scultpure of her partners aroused vulva hanging over the dinner table it was AMAZING, but very funny. I would love to get one of my OH. She would be horrified if I did.

Well said Fluffbags,

it's disgusting and outrageous that people should be judged in any way because of how they look, and porn is giving out a constant message saying "This is what you should look like". It makes me feel sick. A couple of years ago my first boyfriend told me I was "weird looking down there", which he obviously saw as a throwaway comment but it's something wjich completely destroyed any sexual confidence I had in myself. I think it's even more shocking that these particular comments on etsy were from women, but sadly there's a part of me that isn't surprised, some women seem to rely on gaining confidence from tearing into the self esteem of other people, whether it's criticising their weight, their hairstyle, or in this case their vulva. :/