Do you feel more horny when you have spare time?

If I have a day off work, especially when home alone my sex drive and naughty thoughts increase dramatically. Is that the norm or is it just me? Lol

Normal for me too, Same as snacking. Increases when theres little going on.

Yeah. It must be the devil, idle hands n all that....
Still, it's quite enjoyable tho. Ha

What's spare time ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

I remember some spare time in the early 1990's I think.

Doing boring stuff like paperwork makes my mind wander to kinkiness though. I think it is my brains defence!

Oh no you're not the only one. When I have a day off and the house for myself, I do everything that I have to, so I can have time to enjoy my solo play. I get really horny and can't wait to get my magic wand out and my Tango and just go for it. To be really honest I'd rather do that than eat or sleep - crazy isn't it?

Yes I do and I always take advantage of it. This hot weather makes me worse. 😊

Yes I get horny when I am bored, the weather isn't really a factor for me, I just go and have some "me time"

Yes, definitely.... although to be fair I'm permanently horny !! It does get worse when I have nothing else to take my mind off it xx

As well as feeling randy non stop I definitely play and explore more when I have spare time ro myself, however this is not very often! X

If at night and spare time or can't sleep; I do find I get more horny, but not during the day unless I'm around OH and bored.

Looks like it is standard then :-)
Maybe I am normal after all. Lol

YES! With the temptation to play ![](upload://kym5tZ5EfyJxs6TKHB1Q2HtGSpK.gif)

Especially when I'm home alone as I can moan as loud as I want to

Yeah I know what you mean sanny
I'll sometimes put a butt plug in for a while then slip it in and out as I wank and make as much noise as I want. Ha

Tbh I'm horny generally all of the time ( even at my age ) but you can't blame me due to my lovely wife running around the house and garden with nothing on.

Sounds nice!

I feel like I'm the opposite. I tend to get in the mood at times where I'm supposed to be doing something else. The denial until later in the day is exciting for me :)

Work does have that effect to be fair. Lol

Normal for me too xx 🙂

Sounds like it could be the most common time for folk to masturbate 😁