Edit reviews

Sorry if this is in the wrong place I am just wondering if there is a way of changing a review as I have reviewed something maybe slightly premature without giving the product a fair shout and now feel differently about it

Contact customer care tell the review and what you want to change and they will be able to arrange that for you.

Thank you

In theory you could submit a second review - an update if you like of the original review after having lived with the product for however long.

luvved up cupple wrote:

In theory you could submit a second review - an update if you like of the original review after having lived with the product for however long.

I agree, I once submitted a second review because I liked a product more after I'd had it a couple of months.

Jezebella wrote:

luvved up cupple wrote:

In theory you could submit a second review - an update if you like of the original review after having lived with the product for however long.

I agree, I once submitted a second review because I liked a product more after I'd had it a couple of months.


We'd much prefer it if you edit the original review, or submit a new one and ask us to delete your old one, otherwise it really messes with the star ratings!

We really try to avoid having multiple reviews for one product by one member. If we spot that a second review has been submitted and you haven't contacted us, we'll usually remove your first review for you.  

Just have a chat with customer care, who will be able to advise you on what to do next :) 


Ok thanks a lot

I emailed Lovehoney customer care because I re-read my reviews and I wrote as little as possible then and recently have found that I have more to add in each review

I asked them if they can delete them as I want to write new ones so they told me to reply when I have submitted another review for the same prouduct so they can then remove it for me (I suggest giving them a link to your old review that you can find on your profile to make their job easier)

Thanks will do