Egg Testers - review this secret toy!

Hey All,

I have some super-secret Eggs that are in need of reviews! Normal One Month deadline for these ones.


App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

If this sounds like something you would like to review, then comment down below and I may be in touch!

Status: :lovehoney_heart: Secret Deadline: :green_heart: One Month

Some points to remember:

  • Make sure you have live reviews - You will not be picked otherwise.
  • These items are Secret Testers - Do not post about them anywhere inc the forum until they are potentially live.
  • Make sure your address is up to date - We can only send to what you have listed in your account.
  • Ensure you can review the item in the time frame required - If you think it is not possible please do not put your name forward. Also please make sure you can test the item selected.

For more detailed info check out the The Great Big Review and Testing Guide


Hi there! Id love to be considered if possible please and thank you :blush:

Yes please


Would love to review this for you:

App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Thank you xx

Mrs would be happy to review

Hi Brenna

Happy to test and review the
App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Hi there we’d love to help review this toy


We have yet to try an egg, so would love to try the
App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable


Good morning Brenna - I would love to be considered to try the App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg

Very keen to try this:

App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Would love to try the

App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Thanks Brenna, good luck everyone!


Would love to test this one

App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Kind regards,

We could try this in the given time!

App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Would love to try this out :blue_heart:

App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg Silicone/Rechargeable

Would love to give this a try


Would love to test this, we’ve tried a few and always had poor connection issues so a app would be great.

Hi Brenna
Happy to test and review the
App Controlled Vibrating Love Egg - Silicone/Rechargeable

Please count us in to test and review this item

We’d love to test this :smile:

I would love to try this