Erotic short stories

Hello Lovehoney lovelies
I've been writing a short story (my first attempt) and the
people I've shown it to say I should get it published.
So - help! I need a pen name. I can't risk my clients or my children reading this and knowing I wrote it! Somehow Gran doesn't have the right ring to it, I think.
Please can I have your suggestions?
If I choose a name from your suggestions, I'll send you the story - if there's a way to communicate off site? ?
Maybe Lovehoney could publish? Does anyone have experience of this?
Thanks everyone. Xx Gran

You could always start a blog - there's plenty that do it, myself included (though it's on my site)

I love writing down my past fun, a blog sounds good but where can you make a blog for like minded people to read?

I have a self hosted package, but you can do it for free on most of the main blog platforms - is where I started. From there it's a case of building a readership, which you do using social media, find others that do what you wanna do, follow them, some will follow back. Interact and people will start reading.

Georgina Dark
Dahlia Nightshade
Esmeralda Drake
Ruby Valentine
Dominique Savage
Alexis Valentina

I'm not sure what kind of style you're going for but I went with names that could be real names but sound enticing and sexy, in my opinion.

Some lovely sounding names Cinderella 69!
Here's a few that just popped into my head:
Aphrodite Starr
Angelique Wilde
Madeleine Lacey
Good luck with your story Gran x

Thanks Wildflower! Love your's too, Aphrodite is perfect!

Thanks Cinderella69 and wildflower.
Sexy names sound great!
I'd wondered about my first girl on girl and the guy I lost my virginity with
Jo Ivan
But the sexy names are more fun.
I'd like to sell my stories, so I'm going to try Amazon. Fingers crossed!
It's not a really kinky story, but that's ok for a start I think. Thanks for your help ladies
X Gran

You're very welcome! Good luck! 😁

I recently stumbled upon the smut relay (hosted by the smut marathon folk) and signed up to the writers pool. I liked the idea of 1000 words in three weeks and I love collaborative writing anyway. It was also a bonus that I didn't have to host the stories myself. It might be something to look into if you're looking to test the waters, as it were.

Hey - thank you. My story is 16,000 words, so a bit long for this, but what a great idea. I'll have a look, as I really enjoy writing.