Everyday things that make you laugh.

Ok so this might not work as I intend, but here goes. My idea is people share the odd but fairly everyday things that make them laugh.

My my dog is young and bouncy and afraid of almost nothing, but he is not as bright as maybe we would like, but we love him. My OH was cutting a lime to put the juice in our stir fry for tea last night and he dropped one half of the lime on the floor. From knowhere Mutley (the dog) appeared and ran off with the half of lime. Now I know I should have taken it streight off him, but I wanted him to learn that not everything that you drop when cooking is good for eating.

So he ran off to his bed lime in mouth. He obviously squeezed it a bit and it squirted lime juice in his mouth, because the next thing I see is him spitting it out, screwing his face up, and frantically licking his mouth. He walked over to his water bowl and had a drink. So I went to pick up the lime, thinking he has learnt that lime tastes bad. But no, he hasn't learnt. He pounced on the lime with both paws, just like a cat, and picked up the lime again, getting more juice in his mouth. So he screwed his face up again, spat the lime out, licked his mouth and went for a drink.

Im not joking he did this 5 times with my OH and I watching in hysterics before I took the lime away. It was like he expected the next time he bit the lime it would taste nice. So funny.

That is so funny and really cute too FL. Dogs can be hilarious. Great idea for a thread btw - I will have to have a little think on this one :) xx

I think my nan's dog would do the exact same thing, he doesn't learn!

Great thread idea, I'll have a think about it too :)

Evertime I plan a day off the weather turns rubbish .

Pewrhaps more of a sarcastic laugh but it never fails

The nonsense my kids come out with. My favourite was the other day when the littlest nicked her finger. There was a smidge of blood so I was looking for a plaster to keep her happy. I over hear my eldest "just stick it in your mouth, blood tastes of money" was really funny.

Oh also eldest was blowing up a balloon and blew so hard she farted. That was so funny I nearly wet myself.

My would be mother in laws a shopping list is a hoot.

Blue things, Beach, cumber, bleed, yogpots.

So you can guess what most items are,

toilet blocks, cucumber, yogurts, bleach and bread (still to this day I don't know which one is ment to be which. Beach or Bleed).

She is in her 80's but I'm certain she is dyslexic, bor in an era whern dyslexia didn't exist, but non the less she must be.

My cat, everytime someone in my family moves from their chair or the sofa he climbs and sits in their seat before they come back. When they come back and realise what he's done he gives them a look of disgust and pushes his body down onto the seat so you can't pick him up to move him 🙊 Then gets his own way, good job he's cute 😂

Ok so we have a garage across the road from our house. It's a little back street type.

Car pulls up towing second car, husband gets out of car and pushes car into the garage yard. Wife tidys away the tow rope into the boot. Husband gets in car to drive home. Gets back out of car to post the keys through the letterbox for the mechanic in the morning.

Yes you guessed it he posted the wrong set!

Husband doesn't reolise streight away, gets back in car to drive away, car will not start. It takes a while (like 5 mins) for him to look at the key ring and tell wife what he has done. Wife starts going mad, shouting at husband, "how bloody useless" and words to the like.

I quietly rang the mechanic who doesn't live far and he popped round swapped the keys and sent the husband on his way, not before poor husband got a right ear bashing though.

It was so funny to watch. I knew what he had done streight away and it took ages for him to reolise.

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This morning I noticed one of my cats sitting on the drive looking towards the house (which means he wants to come in but is too lazy to use his cat door) so I opened up and let him in. I was about to close the door when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, my other cat was across the street on the neighbors drive running to get to the door before I closed it. I have never seen him move so fast! Once he got inside he start sliding on the wooden floor (combination of moving too fast with wet paws) and ended up halfway up the stairs 😂

Not really an every day thing, but things I find funny are people laughing (especially bloopers). I am a big fan of Saturday Night Live sketches where people break character. I think it’s more when people try to hold in or hide their laughter, and it just becomes too much for them.

This is making me laugh in exasperation…returned from work and my OH’s car isn’t on the drive, i vaguely remember her telling me she’d be out when i got home, but i can’t for the life of me, remember where she said she was going today! I can’t think why women think we don’t listen to them! :thinking: :rofl:

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My old workmate sending me daily NSFW vids on Messenger, always guaranteed to make me laugh! :joy:

Hearing my true hometown accent puts a smile on my face…instead of the one where I live…

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Where was that, or can’t you say?

I could but better not…


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No problem! Just wondered! :slightly_smiling_face:

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