Funny descriptive phrases ;)

Ok we have all heard of the usual ones eg. Spanking the monkey. Flicking the bean. But im sure there are a few out there to tickle the humor bone so post them below and give us all a good old giggle :)

Mines.. Wetter than niagra falls!

I like "wetter than an otters pocket" just tickles me for some reason.

Tight as a ducks arse

Tight as a ducks arse? Lol thats a random one!

It's got to be water tight though 😉

Jerking the gherkin!

Why water tight? Dare i even ask that lmao

Ducks like water 😂 Obviously 😉

Ohhh yeah! Now i get it! My gosh im a divvy! Lol

It's fine it's a Sunday haha
Polishing cadets helmet

Vaders stupid phone

Gentlemanjack you are on a role today! Lol

I had better just let other people have a go lulu 😉

Getts one's twinky stinky! << has me in stitches that one

Why stinky ?

Anal! 😂😂

Oh yeah buy a douche haha

Not the only one being a divvy now! 😜

Putting the meat in the over

Syphoning the python...............................

Haha I like that I might have to syphon the python 🐍 meself haha 😂