Forum Anonymity

I did mine, apparently a load of gamers use it :joy:


And I’ve just Googled mine. A film and strip clubs :+1:t2::joy:


Mine is either an album by a band called Spiderworks (must have a listen) or very nearly one of London’s premier gay saunas. How appropriate! :joy:


My actual name is a character in a classic novel, involved in the design of an iconic car, buried in the credits of a number of albums, a famous bass player to name a few!


My name is taken from what I have on my birth certificate and the year ask me if I give a fook lol


I feel pretty safe, and if someone i knew found out I’m a horny bugger then so be it. Just ask and don’t speak behind my back…


I feel safe & secure with our identities not being obvious. Also feel that if there’s people I know on here and we do some how recognise each other, we are then all in the same boat so to speak and enjoying the same sort of things in our private life, so would assume mutual discretion would play.


If you google Blonde Bunny and then click ‘images’ you’ll all be treated with the most gorgeous pictures you’ll see this year :relaxed:

Try it!


Nice although on a iPad you also need to click the little picture labelled hot. :dancing_women:

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Some of this is really interesting, and maybe even worth a topic of its own? Big data is big business now, and it helps if everyone is aware of what they’re giving away to who. :+1:

(Edit: Internet security)

I was hoping to hear more about the forum in particular though. Does anyone keep their precise kink or sexual proclivities to themselves just in case their mum is already a member? :slightly_smiling_face:


More worried about grown up children being members


Equally a worry. :slightly_smiling_face: Do you feel it makes you more reticent?


Nope LOL


Yes, that thought has made me cringe on occasions! But I’m still hoping that even if they were on here they wouldn’t know it was me :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll admit I do think twice before going into too much depth about my sex life with my husband but that’s mainly because it involves him and I don’t personally feel happy about over sharing for that reason.


Mine’s not particularly existent so not really a worry but if nothing else, at least if parents see they know you’re getting advice from a decent source rather than ones that encourage unsafe activity and are hopefully happy, and if your adult children see it then you know they’re getting info from a good source too


I’m the same. We don’t mind sharing if the info could help someone, but I’m pretty sure Mrs Chimp doesn’t want me blogging about it. :slightly_smiling_face: I think I probably tread a medium ground between what I share about sex, and what I share about us personally. It feels a more comfortable balance, and I think allows us to be more open.


I do blog about our sex life as well as being on here, but I asked my husband if he was OK with me joining here and blogging (and talking candidly about stuff) and he and I agreed the limits before I signed up.

So we have a few rules for here, like not revealing too much about where we live, not meeting up, that sort of thing. I’m pretty sure my husband reads everything I put on here (out of nosiness), and he has never said I’ve gone too far.

Blogging is slightly different. Anyone who is mentioned in a blog post sees and approves it in advance. (I think that is only fair). I don’t want to make anyone I mention uncomfortable, and I’ve found people surprisingly amenable to having details mentioned here or blogged about. I think a degree of anonymity is key to that.


That’s a really good point. Being able to link to your blog on here allows you to go into much more detail, and I imagine the anonymity really helps with that. Do you take any precautions on your blog to obscure yourself in a similar way, or has sharing that level of detail made you more relaxed about sharing in general?

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I think like everything it is a balance. I do apply the same rules about location and meeting up in the blog too, but in some ways, I don’t want locations to affect people’s views on what they are reading. I don’t want your views of a place to taint the content you are reading. The point I suppose is that this could be in the house next door or the other side of the world.

But in general, I am more relaxed about sharing. Once you get used to working within set rules, it comes easily and I have to think about those rules much less than I used to.

It isn’t so much friends I’m worried about knowing (a number of them do know, not just those who come to the parties), it is more in our professional lives that I’m concerned about. Some people are very judgemental (not here obviously), and I don’t want to damage any of our careers for a “sex scandal” that isn’t actually a scandal.


No although it would be rather embarrassing to find I’d been talking to one of my relatives. :blush:

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