has anyone done yoga???

So I've been having problem with my joints, and a girl friend of mine told me how about we join up and do a yoga class....as it may help with your joints, I agree so we found a class..

We ended up doing breathing techniques, and streching are body's out and sitting and bending hands and legs, in all kinds of ways, belive it or not my joints feel less tight....

So anyway next part we got in to pairs, and we ended up bending and folding in to each other, like we was playing a game of twister or summat, an example was stack child pose? Her kneeling on me while in the child pose

So we did stuff like that, thennnnn. ...... this pose was kinda dodgy and it got strange. we had to chose who lay
down so I did , I can see everyone laying down

Then partners all had to stand over there partners,
And then sit on there upper chest, near the neck.. of there partner. And then bend there knees, and sit with there feet flat on the floor so basically my chin was by her!!! You know what?

And my head in between her thighs, I never felt so awkward, in my life, then she would close her eyes, and place her hands on my face, must of went on for a good 5 minutes,

I just remebmber as she moved her hands, and I opened my eyes, I lifted my head up to look around, which looked even weirder seeing everyone face caved in to someone thighs, and private area.... what type.of position is this? Is that normal?

Should we find another class????

Yes, I have done yoga and am still doing a bit of it. However, I have never attended a group class, for a very simple reason: There is no way that a yoga instructor can give his full attention to 30 (or even 20 or 10) students at the same time. But unfortunately I've experienced that a split second of inattention can lead to a pulled muscle. And I'm much more likely to be distracted in class than at home with a DVD or book. Ergo, I believe that a yoga class would actually be less safe than working on my own. There's loads of books and DVDs - those based on B.K.S. Iyengar (not those written by him!) describe a very precise, health-conscious version of the discipline.

As for your class experience: There's hundreds, if not thousands of positions, I have no idea of whether what you describe is an "official" one. Just a few random thoughts: As I understand it, yoga is primarily a solo activity anyway - only one of my four books ("Yoga for You") even has partner exercises in it. What's the exact title of your class? But yoga is about being familiar and comfortable with your body - incidentally, one of the partner exercises in my book also would get one persons head between the other's legs - so maybe the problem is your feelings, rather than the exercise.

But really, if you don't want to do it, don't, it's as easy as that. There's many different varieties of yoga - check them out!

I think It was called tibetan pulsing? I do want to do yoga, but this piston is very odd, like almost as if she was sitting on my face..

Yeah... that sounds pretty odd.

I do yoga pretty much every other day and I've taken private classes as, like Talia, I'm not a fan of group classes. It sounds like you got a weird one. Honestly, it can take a lot of tries with different yogis and different styles to find the one that is right for you. It's common. So, I would have a go somewhere else if it made you uncomfortable. Yoga should be about inner peace and a positive experience, not having your face thrust in someone else's genitals if you don't want it.

Reading my previous post I realize I've disparaged Mr. Iyengar - I apologize! Of course his books also descirbe a very precise, health-conscious yoga. What I wanted to say was: I can't recommend his famous book "Light on Yoga" for today's beginner, there's too much text and I find the photos rather off-putting (have a preview at Amazon, you'll see what I mean. Or maybe not, then you can find a used copy for little money).

Another thing: If you can't find a yoga class or instructor you like, you could always try Pilates instead. It's also one of the more gentle exercise programs that's supposed to be very beneficial to your health (no real experience with it, I tried it a bit and then decided I could still start in 20 years or so - for the moment I rather do bodyweight training, and a bit of yoga for stretching).

Having just checked out Tibetan Pulsing I have to agree with James44: It does seem a bit strange. (Or maybe I'm not spiritual enough to understand it). I'd find another style of yoga!

I could find another place I guess, but I mean this move comes off as quite sexual?

I mean u can imagine, for a man, having a woman sitting on your chest, with her legs either side your head,

It's quite hard to focus,


Yes I have been practicing yoga for 15 years. There is no exercise quite like it. It is gentle exercise, mostly stretching. I often don't practice due to commitments, but for example I am able to touch my toes without any warm up stretching. This is because yoga has kept me supple all these years. I suffer from back pain and yoga seriously helps. Some poses help with your thyroid glands, blood circulation and elevates your mood. I have also just started meditating, which goes hand in hand with yoga.

I have to say in my 15 years of practice I have NEVER heard of a pose/position like you described. It indeed sounds creepy and concerning. I would most definitely let the person who owns the venue know what happened in this class, to be totally honest with you. Yoga is mostly independent exercise. You do not need a partner. I haven't practiced yoga with a partner ever. Find a new class immediately.

if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont. Thats one of the key things my yoga practice has taught me. Even in the class, if the position is uncomfortable then come out of it. Thats why its called practice and not competition.

Ive never heard of anyhting like youve described in a general yoga class, which I attend at the gym.

I think they organisers should have made this more clear - and to me spells out bad practice on their behalf.

DOnt let this put you though - yoga is easily one of the top 5 things I have done in my life!

i found a photo of the position .....

its called tibetan pulsing bardo..so what do you think is this something you would do is it a position you have seen???


As I've never done any Tibetan pulsing, I've never seen (or been in) this position. As i'm not interested in Tibetan pulsing, it's very unlikely I'll ever do this positon.

Face it and get over it: You participated in a class you knew absolutely nothing about and got something different from what you expected. That's all there is to it, really. Nobody is forcing you to continue with Tibetan pulsing (at least I very much hope so - you might want to discuss with your girlfriend why she picked this particular class), so just find a different discipline.

In order to avoid another bad experience I'd suggest researching both the discipline in general and the specific class and its instructor before signing up.

As Tibetan pulsing is not "normal" yoga, but "a sub-branch of Tantric Yoga" (http://www.tibetanpulsingworld.com/what-yoga.html) and the class was advertised as Tibetan pulsing as James44 mentioned in his post of June 24th I don't see any misrepresentation on the part of the organizers or any need to inform the venue owners of anything - you wouldn't go to a strip show and complain about performers taking their clothes off, would you?