Has anyone ever tried this?


It looks amazing! But a bit dubious about the suction cup... I would be worried it wouldn't stay at stuck down?

If anyone has tried this or anything similar I'd love to hear about it :-)



i don't have that particular dildo but i do have a suction cup one as long as the surface is flat and smooth like wall tiles bath or seat the suction cup will stick really well

i have the si novelties 14 inch and it has the same suction cup, it works very well

Hi there, have you watched the video demo of this toy with Annabelle Knight. I just had a quick flick through the video, which shows Annabelle demonstrating the suction cup, which looks quite impressive. Just remember suction cups work best with very smooth surfaces. Hope this helps :) xx

I don't have that one but I do have this one http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=22817 and the suction cup works pretty good as long as you make sure it's one tight.

Like the lovely scorpius said I'd take a look at the video and see for myself.

Hope that helps you out.

Careful with the wall tiles, they can come off, lol ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

Wow sexy pix. You look amazing xx