
I am new here, didnt realise there was a community and toy testers - Hoping to become one and thought id say hello :heart:


Hi and welcome to the forum @Taintedenvy :blush:

If you’re interested in becoming a tester, all of the information you need can be found in The Great Big Review and Testing Guide

Hey @Taintedenvy :wave::wave:

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@Taintedenvy Hello and welcome. :wave:

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Morning and welcome :white_heart:

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Hi @Taintedenvy :wave:
Welcome to the forum!

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Hi and welcome to this great forum.

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Hi :wave: @Taintedenvy
Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

@Taintedenvy Hello and welcome to the forums .

Hello and welcome, :wave:

Hello @Taintedenvy wecome to the forum, have fun.

Hello and welcome to the forum.

Hello and welcome!

Hello :wave: and welcome to the forum :smiling_face:


Hi thanks for your comment, I have read that all But still not sure if i qualify or if theres a way to know if im “accepted” so to speak. Ive done maybe 6 reviews as thats about all i have from lovehoney. Is there a way to know youre accepted as a toy tester? Just so i know if theres still something i need to do or not :sweat_smile:

Hey @Taintedenvy :wave:
Glad you found us!

Are your reviews posted on the site with the same email address you use for the forum?

If so, all you need to do is pop your name down when a new tester topic is posted :+1:t2:

Make sure you’re stating which item/s you’re interested in testing, saying “all” or “any” will get you nowhere :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You’re more likely to be selected for things similar to those you’ve already reviewed rather than something completely different.

If you have any items that you’ve bought elsewhere but LH stock, you can still review those :blush:

Probably the most important thing is to have patience - keep popping your name down. There are a LOT more people wanting to be testers than there are opportunities available, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t get selected.

Brenna takes a variety of things into account when choosing who to send testers to, and every now and then she will have time to give advice on reviews and how to enhance your chances of getting chosen.

There’s the Sex Toy Tester - Chit-Chat thread as well which can be handy.

There’s also a topic here where you can post your reviews and experienced testers can give feedback to try and help with your chances (I can’t find the link right now, it’s 5am and I should be asleep - sorry :rofl:)

I hope that helps :purple_heart:

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