Help ive lost my charger!

Ive lost my charger for this toy, im gutted! Does anyone know what charger I need please

They do sell spare chargers, but I’m I’m afraid I’m not sure which one that toy uses? They do have a list of toys they fit in each page, but you’d need to have a browse. You could also contact Customer Care and they should know. :+1:

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I’m afraid I don’t know the specific one, however if you have any other rechargeable toys have you tried them? I find some of mine fit multiple toys! Good luck and hope you get it back up and running again soon!


I’ve already tried the ones I’ve got :sleepy:

@fizzy looks like a 3mm jack plug/usb combo. I have similar for a bluetooth speaker. Maybe try certain internet sites if you can’t get a replacement here?

If you can’t see it in the list then Customer Care will be able to tell you which one you need. :+1:

Im guessing its a DC barrel jack with a USB connector on the end of it - as a means of getting 5v into the unit. Your local popular online auction site would appear to have one for a couple of pounds.

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