I am mid 60s and planted a row of pine trees when I was 27 and now I need to take down four of them . They were 2’ tall then , now between 70 - 90 feet tall . I used to climb and fell trees but my back , hips and shoulder do not like me to do that anymore . Last tree I had cut down was by an ex logger who’s family has a tree service . When he came out for an estimate and we talked about tree climbing , he gave me the old climber discount . Most people would have paid about $1,000 - $1,500 , but since all he had to do was drop the top two sections and I still have my chipper so no clean up he charged me $100 .
Just planted up my beans so that will keep Jack happy and sewed some peas
Mowed the lawn, threw down some more seed and covered to stop it being eaten.
Now to tend to the veg
Just finished planting the last of our garden yesterday . Had to wait planting my russet potatoes until seed potatoes sprouted a bit more . My Yukon Golds are already about 8" tall . Here is a picture of the support I installed for pole beans to climb this year . I had made one two years ago out of bamboo that I thought would last years , I was wrong . This is a Hog panel with super heavy duty galvanized steel that should outlast me . Note lower left you can see radishes growing nicely . The weather is finally supposed to dry out a bit and warmer temps along with much more sunshine .
Obtained some more half dead freebies, Geraniums and Petunias, soaked them yesterday, and planted them in containers today. Hopefully have a load of nice blooms in a month or so!
Today I have planted put some more Cosmos , Asters , some dahlias and potted up my cut and grow lettuces ! The outside table is looking more more sparse now soon be empty and flower beds full
Ours has gone back to nature, I am fairly sure that there is a lost lawn mower out there somewhere…
Watch out for black ants.
They 'farm‘ aphids, which love to munch on young pear tree leaves.
If you have ants, I recommend washing them off with a washing up liquid solution & treating the soil all around with nematodes to discourage nests nearby.
It won‘t kill the ants. They just move their nests out of the area.
Ladybirds and Aphidius bugs can also be bought off of the internet to help control the aphids if you have an outbreak.
Good luck! Hope you get pears
Apparently 'no mow May ’ was a thing
@Melody1 it was lol I did it but now my strummer broken been on mooch to get a set of vintage edging shears none round here so I ordered one on line and can’t do my lawn til it comes as I cant do the edge of the lawns
Done my lawns eventually and pottered about dead heading and trying to fit in some more seedlings in the front and back I am running out of space now ! I only have the baskets at the front to do and then it’s just looking after the veg and succession planting and potting up
Our weather has been wetter than normal and very little sunny days yet . This mowing and edging every week is getting old . On a good note I have seen several honey bees . Last year I think I only saw two all summer . Not sure how much may be hive collapse and how much credit to developers knocking down acres and acres of forest to build more houses .
Cutting some paths through the long grass
A road to no where are you on the mend mate @Melody1
‘Cutting’ may have been a slight embellishment. Trampling may be more accurate but sunny gardens are a great place for recovery.
Thanks @Gazza_64
@Melody1 your mental well-being will defo feel the benefit
Some of us pictured topless scything!
I do that too
If it were not for fear of being arrested , I would do almost all my lawn and garden maintenance naked . With the exception of string trimming and chain saw work .
Finding great satisfaction in seeing new growth in some water starved plants i got free, nurturing them back to life instead of being binned.