How old is your favourite toy?

Sorting through my huge range of sex toys, I came across many that were once firm favorites only for them to take a back seat when I new toy was bought.

Do you have a favorite toy that you keep going back to and what is it and how long have you had it?

its got to be my ribbed glass dildo

and i tend to use it most times i want internal - ive had it for ages, at least a few years

49 yrs old.........oh wrong sort of toy? Whether JJ would agree i'm not sure, but the 'go to' toys that have stood the test of time are a hitachi wand and an eroscillator, from memory those must be both 6-7 years old. All the others just seem to be an hors d'oeuvres......that said, still got a butterfly that i remember buying in a sex shop at Munich airport in 99, that's lastesed well, even if it isnt a top 3 toy.

My favourite toy is about 4 months old and is broke now lol. Overuse so I've been told :-P

About 3 years old male version of vibraexciter.

7years :o some well used silicon love eggs :)

He's 28 :P

Haha, in terms of toys, either my glass or ceramic ones, which are about 2/3 years old.

bright pink rabbit bought at an Anne Summers party about 10 years ago!!! am shocked i've had it so long but it's still one of the best