Initiating lovemaking/sex

It was like that for us, every once in a while we’d have sex but I didn’t enjoy it and I think she only did it to shut me up so to speak! Then it just stopped altogether! We seem to just live in the house together now! It’s not good and I hate coming home now when I used to always try and get off handy from work to get back! Now I’d gladly stay at work all night!


Our relationship is still strong but as time goes on I’ve just had to accept the physical side has faded and now pretty much gone.
I’ve found myself exploring new ways of self pleasure and enjoying my inner fantasies.
Deep down I’ve always known my sexuality was bi but had been in self denial. These days I tend to fantasies about sex with other guys more then beautiful women whilst self pleasuring, I guess it feels like less of a betrayal to my partner if I’m fantasising about something she can not offer.
I do now feel at ease with my sexuality and accept it.
I know our sexual life together has come to an end but still love my girl and wouldn’t want our relationship to end however I still crave that intamacy and closeness that sex with another erson brings.


Sorry to hear your predicament @SteelA1.
I’m know wise old sage but it sounds some talking and soul searching is in order. So Hope you can find the happiness we all deserve. :crossed_fingers:

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Why not wake him up a bit early for a morning session? Sure he wouldn’t complain at a bit less sleep in exchange. I’ve always found it a massive turn on when a woman initiates sex, makes me feel wanted rather than the wanter!

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I feel for you @SteelA1 xx


Sorry to here about your situations. Hopefully, things will get better for you.

I think I might see if hubby’s up for having a massage. Maybe I could massage away the stress & tension.
Wearing my new or fancy lingerie :slightly_smiling_face:

I wonder what effect that could have. Could it be a good starting point???

@KinkyMira just something I’ve got to live with now I suppose :cry:

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@Floating_Fun_Guy i wouldn’t wish it on anyone! Sorry to hear you’re relationship is ending up sexless too! Hope you both stay strong though and don’t end up like us!
I’ve been exploring these things myself recently! I’m jot ready to give up on sex yet, I still very much want it and i miss it like mad :man_facepalming:t3:


I’m debating texting my hubby to initiating having sex in one of the rooms of our house tonight. We are both in the house this afternoon.

I’m thinking it means I’d be initiating :slightly_smiling_face:, would be deciding on the room, and obviously I’d choose what sexy lingerie I wanna wear :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:.

What are members thoughts on this?
How would you react if your partner did said text to you?
Would you be up for it?


100% put some nice underwear on and send him some photos. Great way to initiate and set the tone of the evening


Maybe send him some choices, e.g. a photo of your lingerie on the dining room table, then a photo of it on the stairs, a photo in 1 bedroom etc and ask him to pick where he wants to take you while you wear that?


@HeartMaiden You wouldn’t have to txt me twice put it that way :joy::ok_hand:


I would like those choices

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From a man in a similar situation, grab him at lunch, breakfast, make an appointment in his schedule and call the shots.

I would love my OH to literally demand attention during the working day. Saves me making excuses to not work.


Still struggling with this :cry:

So far I’m trying the subtle approach to no avail :confused:!

Bearing in mind hubby is extremely busy with work. My lovely revealing lingerie has been coming out, even on the nights when he’s had the next day off work & he seems obvious.

Maybe I should be spelling it out. Whenever, I’m thinking I need to just do, he’s glued to his computer or even the tv.

The other night I was thinking “living room” attempt it would be, but before I knew it he was back at the computer. Then we hit the bedroom, & he’s only interested in crashing out :cry::cry::cry:.

As far as sleep is concerned I’ve been wearing my most revealing lingerie which is his favourite (loves boobs) & he’s passing a random comment (positive comments) then heading to sleep.

Maybe I’m doing things all wrong, or just fighting a loosing battle :thinking::thinking::thinking:

@HeartMaiden firstly I really feel for you. We all want to be wanted.
Is he maybe a little depressed?

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I think that’s definitely a factor.

Hence why I’m trying to be as patient as I can be. We’ve had some worrying news in regards to his dad & think he’s struggling with the working from home, he’s said as much.

This is why I try constantly not to add to his pressures. 100% try & be loving, supportive, understanding, and generally focus on him & what he needs if that makes sense.


@HeartMaiden very much so, it definitely makes sense.
I know when I had a very stressful job I had no sex drive at all. I felt like I had no space for it in my over loaded head.
Any attempts my Husband made I rejected (more cruelly than your Husband is). He was a Saint for sticking with me at times.
I think as hard as it is a conversation is needed, if that’s not possible maybe a text or letter? Tell him you love him and want intimacy but you understand why it’s not there at the moment.
Hope things get better for you soon.


For us roles are reversed, I’m at home much more due to the whole Covid situation, Ms NaughtyPip is a key worker and is working full time with extras (and also the higher earner). I do the house work, cooking, cleaning, sorting the child, school stuff, money blah blah blah… I’m not trying to big me up as the hard working stay at home dad that does the ‘woman’s work’ it’s just work that needs done. A lot of the time I’m properly exhausted, so is Ms NaughtyPIp but all it takes is the simple kiss and hand plant, you’d be really surprised how quickly stress and exhaustion melts away for an hour, it’s the time you need and he needs, it will really help. doesn’t have to be a full on session, just that little thing that relaxes both of you. if you like, a bloody good quicky in the [insert room here] or a slow nothing much happens on the [insert furniture here].

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Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.

I certainly try what you’ve suggested. Doesn’t have to be much, just enough to take some of the stress away.

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