International men’s day

I will start the thread off with my Dad no longer with us but did an amazing job for me as a baby and with my early years due to my health issues


I’ll add my late dad, for instilling in me a good work ethic, working his guts out to support us when he had an undiagnosed debilitating illness, teaching me to drive so well i passed first time, teaching me how to wallpaper etc when we bought our first house, giving me a respect for animals and wildlife and generally being a good person and someone to aspire to be like. Gone far too young.


I know what you mean @WillC my dad never finished anything unless it was a fag or pint though but he a lot for and when I was so young :muscle::+1::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::pray:


Mine liked a fag and a pint too! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’d like to add my dad too, he’s also no longer with us. He was a quiet man but so funny at times , think that’s where I got my sense of humour from! He was patient, taught all four of us kids to ride a bike and so much more. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad, I loved him immensely and still miss him to this day.


I wouldn’t expect anything less @wildflower like most people their dad is normally ( not always ) their favourite man or :man_superhero: hero :kiss::+1:


I’m gonna speak of 3 great men
First my grandfather, he isn’t with us anymore but he was like a second dad growing up. He was a veteran and loved his kids and grandkids with all his heart. He was my grandmothers second husband and she had kids already, he took over being their dad with out a second thought.

Second Is my dad, he’s always been there for me and even though we but heads some times because well we are both stubborn people he is still is there when I need him. Case in point went from awkwardly trying to deal when he thought he had a gay son, to very proudly going wedding dress shopping and father daughter dancing at my wedding.

Third is my OH he is a truly good man, he put up with a lot from his ex wife out of respect for their marriage and having kids with her. He’s also truly good to me, he knows when i’m nervous or upset and sits and talks through it with me and just always provides me support in the ways I need it.


My father, he’s elderly now & has health issues, but he always has/had time for myself & my brother, always there for us, teaching us good manners, good work ethic, kind and patient, I hope I’m rated as even half as good as he is. I phone him daily to make sure he’s ok, he always asks about my day etc. He copes well on his own since my Mother died, but I know he hates the loneliness.


Sadly, life experience has taught me that there are way too many men/ males out there who aren’t worth :poop:… That being said, I am grateful for the wonderful men that have been or still are a part of my life. I absolutely love them and look up to them.

The one who influenced me the most was my grandpa who helped bring me up. :heart:
He was one of the kindest people I have ever met. Hard working family man with a heart of gold. Sometimes easy to take advantage of by ill-willed people, but he gave away from his heart everything he had. He lived to be 97 years old.
I have his signature, date of birth and date on which he died tattooed on me.


@Smultron I agree that not all men (nor woman) are saints or angels and everyone’s experience is 110% different and that we all have a different experience of this growing up, I can and just wanted to as it states it was a day recognise a day to celebrate the positive ness of any man who has made a impact to anyone whom has interacted with anyone and can I add why an wonderful way to celebrate and remember your grandfather thanks for sharing that with us all. I totally understand your comments positive and negative and from my own experience have a lot of negative experiences with men when I was growing up .