Is three really a crowd?

Was chatting about fantasies with the girl I’m seeing and she really wants a threesome. She’s never had one and would ideally like to have someone dominate us both.

I have had them in various different circumstances and loved them and would love to help this fantasy come true for her however we’ve only been seeing each other for a just over week and I’m not sure if I’m ready to share her yet.

Am I being to keen to please her or would it make me best person ever?

Help please guys :pray:


If you’re not sure you’re ready to share, considering the short time you’ve been seeing each other, then I’d probably say don’t go diving into organising one yet.

As much as we want to please everybody, we do still need to consider our own feelings!

Although it might make you the best person ever, if you’re not completely ready, then I’d say not just yet. Anything like this should be progressed with nothing less than enthusiastic consent from all parties.


Thank you @RacyRosalee i know she didn’t say it like she was asking for it but it did get me thinking :blush:

Bit early in the relationship to be bringing some one else in, I think so anyway. As said above if you have doubts stay well clear.


All good @FunSam92 happy to help! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I know it is really. The idea filled me with excitement and dread!

Sure I will make it happen for her one day, as usual you guys are the voice of reason :blush:

Would definitely have to be someone very dominant though :heart_eyes:

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Do you think that the longer you’re in a relationship, the more you’ll become comfortable sharing?
Could you look at it as an experience that you share together as she wants someone to dominate you both?

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Was thinking the same thing and why I considered it. We’ve shared and tried so much together already I thought it could be another step we take together.

Any dominatrix out there? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

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I think its a bit quick and would agree with @RacyRosalee, both of you need to be completely happy with this and all consequences should be discussed and both of you comfortable with everything.


Way way way too soon after just a week. Try after a year and maybe


Thank you @FortySomethingWife and @steve19 I know this deep down but you are all such a wonderful sounding board


You both need a worse case scenario chat to make sure should this go tits up you can both mentally deal with what you both may feel afterwards then if you are both still wanting to do it then crack on ! probably find someone you both like then a social meet to see if you are all happy to proceed hope this helps a little ! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


My husband and I have been together for nearly 20 years, and a threesome is somthing we have only recently (the past couple of years) been discussing. We have discussed how we’d feel adding a female or a male, what we’d be happy with the 3rd person doing to each of us etc.

In my opinion (because we are married and have a lot to lose) it has been important that we have talked about this loads. We have discussed the different thoughts and feeling we have about it, how each scenario may make each of us feel, what we do if we don’t like the experience…we have crossed every communication bridge that I think we can.

We have a lot of sexual experience and this not something we are thinking of doing to ‘bring back the spark’ or anything like that - this feels like natural progression in pushing our sexual boundaries.

Whatever you decide as a couple, have fun and keep the lines of communication open!


Thanks @cwoowoo i never thought to discuss it with her. Wanted a surprise :joy:

A surprise threesome :rofl: jebus no @FunSam92
Talk, talk and talk. And it was just something she said she wanted, it doesn’t mean she wants it right now.
Calm yourself my love :rofl:


I know @JoCat getting way too overexcited :joy:

I guess the answer really depends on what you both want in a relationship.

As you said, the girl you’re seeing “really wants a threesome”. If her intention is for a relationship that’s generally monogamous with a little experimentation, that’s one thing. But if she wants a core steady partnership which is also open to seeing others from the start, this can be quite different.

Janet Hardy and Dossie Easton‘s book 'The Ethical Slut‘ is a really good book on the subject of ethical non-monogamy (btw the S-word is reclaimed here as a positive, not used in the pejorative, shaming sense!)
I recommend giving it a read. It’s a really good way to wrap your head around some of the language and the different ways people approach this lifestyle, whether it turns out to be a thing you’re both up for trying, or not.

I agree that a week into the relationship is a bit soon if you haven’t had lots of discussions and laid down ground-rules.

Take care :+1:


Thank you @Knottydevil
I’ll give it a read. I think based on timing it wasn’t something I was planning in the next few weeks just ended up putting my thinking on here sooner than probably intended :joy:

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Think when it comes to inviting a third person into the bedroom it has to be on the terms of both parties and if either one isn’t ready then it’s best not to peruse it until then.

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A lot could depend on what you want from this fledgling relationship. If you want something more long term with her then I’d say no its far too early - with respect you don’t really know each other. Alternatively, if you’re in this ‘for the now’ and/or for fun and as long as its mutual, then why not explore the possibility now.