Kegal Balls

Ok, so I am looking to buy some new kegal balls. At the moment I have these but really want ones that are a bit heavier can anyone recommend any?

The Lelo Luna Beads! The best I've used so far, although I haven't tried the newer ones yet.

I agree that the Luna beads are great. I have both sets, the newer is more challenging, smaller about 1/3 and also bit heavier. But it can produce bit of noise. Dont think people can really hear it, although at times during a sudden move I can. This is the main flaw I found with that one.

I have the Amy set, and while they are heavier and the Amy 3 provids challenge... I dont like the cord. It often makes me feel like they are falling out of me while they are not. And another problem I have is that in the heaviest the inner ball is likely taking most of the space in the outher ball so cannot say I get much stimulation from it, barely can feel the move of it.

LoverBunny wrote:

Ok, so I am looking to buy some new kegal balls. At the moment I have these but really want ones that are a bit heavier can anyone recommend any?

I have these, but I didnt find them too good. Would that mean that I would need heavier ones?

DaisyMae wrote:

LoverBunny wrote:

Ok, so I am looking to buy some new kegal balls. At the moment I have these Beginners Basic Oriental Ben Wa Jiggle Balls but really want ones that are a bit heavier can anyone recommend any?

I have these, but I didnt find them too good. Would that mean that I would need heavier ones?

Getting heavier ones is just a personal thing for me. I think I would like them more that's all. I'm willing to try anything

Greesed up cricket ball? ;)

This is what I just received and I am amazed from it so far!

I have the discontinued Kandi balls - don't like them at all - no sensation, inconvenient usage - well, there is a reason, obviously, that they are discontinued, lol.

The Vibe therapy ones, on the other side, are much more thrilling - I can feel the inner balls moving inside the bigger ones (no such thing with the Kandi balls - I just thought I wasn't sensitive enough to feel it, but the Vibe therapy proved me wrong ;))

Tracey cox toner balls! I have them and are great. x

CorrieA, I bet they are great, they look almost the same as mine! :)

I've had them for a while but only just started using them, so whether or not they work well i don't know yet. But Reviews are great on them.