Little rant

If your close friends are no help, you could try by focusing on the good points in your life instead of the negtive. I know you may say it’s easier said than done, but give it a try. I don’t know much about you, but i know you have a family dog, who will give you unconditional love, focus on the dog and do things together, walk play, cuddle.
I know far too many people who focus on the percieved bad in their lives rather than the good things.
I have known one such person for many, many years, she’s never happy with her life. If anyone has something new, she HAS to have the same, wether it be an object, a hairstyle a pet etc, jumping right in without a thought. Someone she knew had a hot tub, and she wanted one and was looking at getting an inflateable one. When i pointed out that they’d had their bath removed and a shower put in, because they had trouble getting in and out of a bath, and that an inflateable hot tub would be worse, she said i was a negative person! Also, she won’t go on spa days with family because she won’t be seen in public in a bathing costume!
Then she buys designer handbags and shoes that she never goes anywhere to use, at least 50+ handbags at last count! When i suggested that instead of buying handbags, she use the cost of a bag for a weekend away to make some memories, she gave me a look that could kill!
She has driven her friends away because she is always moaning about her husband, despite him being golden. Her friends have all lost their husbands, so to hear her whining about hers must be awful.
We have tried to change her negative attitude to life, but every solution we come up with is met with an excuse, as if the only way she can be happy is to be unhappy.
My point is, sometimes we need to try and ignore the negative in our lives, and focus on the good, no matter how few they seem.
I recently posted some of the crap in my life here for the first time, as it occured to me that people may be thinking “Here’s Bill sitting in his ivory tower spouting positivity and dishing out advice, WTF does he know”?
I hope this helps, and i realise it’s not easy, trust me i have been through similar stuff, that’s why i, and many other members want to help, you are not alone.


:clinking_glasses: Bill

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Thank you Jilly! :kissing_heart:

Hear hear @WillC

Life can be shit, it can be cruel and a struggle, I know that from experience too, but even small things like trying to make someone else smile helps make your day better.

It’s cliche but positivity does breed positivity - try and think of something nice or do or say something nice to someone, it does work.

I’m glad you’re talking to us, keep talking, we’ll listen and help as much as we can x


Ring one of your friends @zombifiedguy and tell them how you are feeling…chat…laugh… ask if you can meet up even if just for an hour for a face to face chat as you are so down.

I’m sure if not straight away they will make time to check on you?

Keep positive…I know how hard that is sometimes…I really do.


I agree @MsSubExperimenter the first step is to want and accept help. Positivity breeds positivity.

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Bill, you’re advice Is most welcome anytime mate :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Knight1119 thank you! Anytime any of you need help, advice or just a virtual hug i am more than willing to step up! :slight_smile:


Cheers Bill, very kind :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Knight1119 i’m old, i know things! :wink:


Hi @zombifiedguy :wave:t2: I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling rubbish. The world is a scary and unpredictable place at the moment and I totally understand what you mean when you say you don’t think you can cope.

Firstly, you’ve done great in expressing how you feel and venting to us. You’ve got a fantastic support network here so if in doubt, pop a message on here and one of us will be here to reply. You’ve always got somebody. If you need to vent more, do it.

When I’m feeling low and anxious and have days where I can’t even enter a shop because my negative thoughts are ruling everything, I have a couple of things I can fall back on that make me feel better:
-I make achievable to-do lists just for that day, with things as small and as simple as “take bin out,” “text landlord back” or “make shopping list.” The more things I tick off, and the more things I achieve, the more accomplished I feel.
-I also clean, starting with my bedroom and where I spend most of my time. A tidy home really does equal a tidy mind for me. It’s me regaining a bit of control back.

In regards to medication… if your current medication isn’t doing enough for you, get back to your GP. Your mental health is important and, from experience, medication does help. It can be a bit of trial and error but you will get there. Stress just how much your emotions are impacting you and your GP will speed things up.

I hope your days become brighter soon x


I understand what you mean. I wouldnt say im that bad. I know what i have and i know the good points but i need more good in my life, experiences mostly

Most wont talk to me unless they want something from me

I do my best to help others. My friend lost her mum last year and i spent alot of time talking to her, distracting her and helping her. She is one of the few i call a friend

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I did this the other day and got lots of things done including cleaning my room etc but it doesnt feel like im getting anything from it

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@zombifiedguy then they’re not real friends. Is there anything we can help you with? Have you tried playing the games on here with us? They pass the time and some of the answers can be very funny, we have fun and it’s a distraction from the daily grind. Participate in some of the music, tv, movie topics etc as we get to know you, you get to know us and yet again it can be humorous and fun. As @For_Your_Eyes_Only_x said little goals per day add up to a sense of achievement.


It may be best to now find that comfort in her? It’s wonderful that you did that and I’m sure it made her feel plenty better. Reach out to her and start that conversation. If she’s local, take your dog for a walk together, or play games together, and chat as openly as you can. Communication is so important.


@zombifiedguy as @For_Your_Eyes_Only_x said, contact that friend, hopefully she’ll reciprocate the care you gave her. Have you told your other friends how you feel? If they don’t know, they can’t help. I have good friends i’ve known for 50 odd years, we don’t see each other often due to living all over the UK and world, but we know that we can message each other for support if we have a problem or just to catch up. Reach out to them.

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And @zombifiedguy as @WillC says join in on the games here…we have a giggle with some of the games a bit risque too sometimes…:crazy_face:

I’ve been in tears sometimes playing them…middle of the night sometimes…with my own situation…with no-one to talk to…last Christmas was hard…and this lockdown has been hard…

But everyone here on the forum has been great…and a few of them who know who they are have kept my spirits up.
Give it a try…



@CurvyJilly i don’t know your situation, i just know you are often sad, but you know i will always have time for you day or night. I often go off to work with a smile on my face after playing games with you in the early hours! Yes, we get risque, but we have a laugh. You are a valued friend to me. This Christmas i will be here if you need me, as will many other members. You are a witty, intelligent sexy lady, you take care my friend. :kissing_heart: