
What is the best all round lube for foreplay and dildo
Used flavoured on my OH last night for hand play but it dried up too quick
Just needed a tiny amount to tease the dildo into me as I was wet anyway
Would love advice before I buy thanks

This is one of the best lubes out there - :)

Liquid silk I swear by it xx

Any lube by sliquid is brilliant, but the Sassy one is my absolute favourite as it's thicker and more gel like.

We're big fans of Liquid Silk, always our 1st choice of lube.

I would go with Sliquid. Relatively lot of women struggle with parabens and glycerines used in lot of lubes (majority of them) and the Sliquid does not contain these. As someone who is sensitive and lot of lubes caused infections due to imbalance, I generally recommend lubes without glycerine and parabens, just to be safe.

From Sliquid, I use the H2O, but I also bough the Sassy now and I will be testing it soon and writing a review for it.

Laveila wrote:

From Sliquid, I use the H2O, but I also bough the Sassy now and I will be testing it soon and writing a review for it.

I'm sure you won't be disappointed, it's just thicker and more gel-like which makes it better for toys with materials that 'drag'.

With any water based lube, if it starts to dry out(in use) just splash some water on your hand etc. and it will re-hydrate the lube,and continue to work.

I have tried loads with little success. I have really sensitive skin and always have to try them out on my hand first just to play safe before using them anywhere else, system jo cooling literally took the top layer of skin off the back of my hand :(

Lelo personal moisturizer is the only one I have found that doesn't give me a reaction, it's flavourless and doesn't leave any bad after tastes. It feels amazing and doesn't dry up and the packaging as ever with lelo is so discreet I've passed it off and hand moisturizer before haha awkward convo with the very prudish mother avoided phew!!

Another Liquid Silk lover here.

Sliquid is amazing and i'm a big fan of as well.

Never been into Liquid Silk-  I just don't like the consistency! 

Our current choice is Lubido,we have never been fans of the Durex lubes.

Another vote for sliquid :) costs a bit more but it's worth the extra expense x