Male strokers

I see LH has a load of new strokers in stock, at very affordable prices, anyone going to buy one? Makes me think twice about spending so much on a fleshlight when you can get stuff at this price, i wonder if the sensations are the same!

They automatically alerted my guy-sense in that some of them look like they could be props on Battlestar Galactica or something. Look at this! Its fantastic looking, definitey a boy's-toy!

But yeah, gotta agree, the prices are looking pretty good. I reckon I'll have to try one of them out at some point; although a Fleshlight would be some good fun, I don't think I could justify the price (unless my oh so generous gf reads this and gets a hint ). These look like a nice substitute, I'm looking forward to trying a few of them out (hopefully as a tester).

Just watched the sexy Miss Hella Rouge doing a bit of tv presenting on these new strokers, fancy the vibrating ones!!