It’s funny to read that because I get it from a completely different side, I’m a gay male I love everything about a male body, I have zero interest in having a relationship with a woman, but I wouldn’t refuse to eat a pussy, it’s just that their feminine traits (and specially their voice) turns me off… I would never be able to be in a straight relationship…
That is very interesting to me. I have chatted with a ton of people with different interests over the years but have never run across that comment before. Nothing judgemental intended, just an interesting observation on my part.
I get that, but it’s true. Maybe I’m somewhat Bi (like 10/90), I find the pussy itself exciting, I’m just turned off by the rest of the package maybe that’s the same for straight folks that like dick without everything that comes with it?
There are some great bi / bi-curious discussions that cover this exact point. I am on the other side of sexuality but would rate myself as 30/70 straight. No issue with man bits or man sex (don’t like kissing at all) but also don’t want an intimate relationship or to wake up with a guy in my bed. First choice would be female bits, second choice would be female and man bits, third choice would be just man bits if the situation and person was right at the time.
Honest and fair question that I don’t mind answering but I do think we are getting too specific into my personal views rather than the aggregate of the topic title. Hopefully my reply spures a new tangent of discussion or someone picks up on a previous reply.
I am equally open to top or bottom depending on partener(s) interests or the dynamics of the encounter but neither I go looking specifically for. I did have a period in my life renting a room for about 6 months from a friend that had just come out and wanted to explore. I was curious so game on. We tried top, bottom, BDsm, toys, kissing and even snowballs. I didn’t like kissing same sex or male snowballs at all. I did find the rest erotic depending on my interests and arrousal at the time.
Fast forward a few decades later with an inactive wife I love dearly, I find simulated penetration to be appealing and the closest I get to giving same sex oral is a realistic silicon suction base penis. Once in a while I will put my own cum on it to make it as real as I can but it’s not some kinky craving I need to talk about on 10 different sexual message boards either.
I have never had a partner strap on a dildo and demand “Bend over boyfriend”. I think that would be huge for me. All that said, ladies and trans still first choices.
I have never heard the phrase “ cock curious,”
But that’s how I would describe myself.
I really like the “cock curious” phrase @pogo69. That is the term I’ve been needing for years to describe myself.
I’m exactly the same
My OH has tried to peg me with a strap on, but she said it wasn’t very comfortable for her to wear. A few months ago I showed her the penis strap on and told her that’s what I would like to have and needless to say she wasn’t very fond of the idea unfortunately. Says I brought it up at a bad time
I love when she pegs me with the strap on. Have 3 or 4 dildos varying in size and realism but I love every one. Especially the large 9 inch, although I wish it didn’t have the balls so I could get an extra inch or so inside me
Try harness briefs. Much more comfortable.
Pegging a guy is something ive never done. Not against it and would do it tho.
When you say using a proper penis. Do you mean a dildo shaped in a real cock? Or getting him to take a real cock?
Personally o love the idea of being made to take dikdo shaped after a real person.
If my OH ever has a bull. I’d love to use a clone a Willy and be pegged with that
@SexualPanda - it’s a penis shape I refer to compared to a funny shape dildo
I like realistic shapes personally
I’ve got various anal toys for stretching and mounted dildos for riding but if I’m being pegged or sucking the dildo it has to be realistic (in form if not in size).
I’m happy to take anything in my ass my OH wants to put there. In a very short time she has basically made me a “size queen”
Hoping to purchase this beauty when I get paid
@SexualPanda i was looking at that very same dildo this morning- but I fear it’s years away for us
My husband loves Pegging but it’s 1 inch diameter at the moment and generally 6 inch - we use the 8 inch but for slow missionary penetration
I want him to be able to take bigger and wider with ease - I don’t want to cause pain but sometimes you have to grin and bear it
Did it take you long to train to accept big boy dildos
My husband has been training for about a decade. We had a few periods without, and so he slipped back down in size. But he’s on a 9.5 inch ultra girthy realistic dildo now, a total beast, and he can take it with ease and wants to go higher.
My advice is to just to regularly peg him. Call it training if you like (we did, and calling it that made me more inclined to do it when I wasn’t necessarily in the mood). But be regular, it is the only way.
It’s a pleasure talking to a fellow woman who is also very interested in pegging / bondage and general naughty sex
In the new year I’m replacing my harness with a more comfortable one which has size settling- these seem to be 1, 1.5 and 2 inch to accommodate wider dildos
I’m also putting away his training dildos - these are the 6 inch or smaller
I need to push him into taking longer dildos first - but he needs to know I love to peg him - it’s a massive turn on and I’m so horny when doing it - and I want him to take at least 8 inch on a regular basis at speed - for me - him bend over and me mounting him and repeatedly penetrating
I say to him that he first took my anal virginity when I was 20 - and yes it was a bit painful at the start - but he is over 9 inch and within a week I was loving it