pink venus new formulation

i was wondering if anyone has tried them. there is no review on them and i am having trouble climaxing, i believe its due to the anti anxiety meds i am on.

Or does anyone have any suggestions that could help me orgasm. i can get turned on but cant finish and its really frustrating me now. i'd rather not have sex to avoid disappointment.

i need help

thanks avrielle, i'm on fluxitine and have changed meds 4 times. i know that this one is the best with regards to my mental well being so i dont want to change them.

enjoying the intimacy and the sensations is the most important part and i try my best but i feel like i'm letting my gf down from not climaxing with her. she knows its the meds and she says it doesn't bother her but tbh if it was the other way round i would be thinking i'm not good enough.

probably best to relax as you say and enjoy it for what it is. xx

thats a very good point, need to think positively. Prehaps my body needs to get used to the new meds, hopefully in time i'll be alright.

thanks again avrielle xx

I had the Vishagra pink capsules to review last summer, so I took a look at the Pink Venus line to see how they compared. Can't say much on that, but I would be concerned about how a stimulant would mix with the anti-anxiety meds. Probably something to be discussed with your doctor.

In search, I found three Pink Venus lines. Two have reviews, might be worth a look for those. My review of the Vishagra pink is here, had quite a kick.

Have you looked at nutritional approaches? They tend to be safer. Good luck with everything.

Avrielle's great, isn't she? Lots of sound and sensible advice from her.

yes i was a bit worried when they said caffeine was an ingrediant as that can cause anxiety. i do need to sort out my nutrition it is all over the place. i do not eat any fruit or veg so i need to kick my ass into gear lol

thanks rose xx

Great place to start then, sam. :-)

Bananas, oatmeal and raw broccoli help me when my nervous system is out of whack. Maybe try to work in some of those?

i shall rose, thanks for the advice xx