Please help if you can

Hi everyone, I know you are a super helpful and supportive lot so was wondering if anyone could offer any advice or help.
Earlier this week my doctor prescribed me fluoxetine for depression. I've never taken anything like this before, and I'm not sure of side effects etc.
Has anyone had any experience with this medication? What sort of side effects did you have and how long did they last?
I'm wondering if I need to give them longer to work or if I need to ask for additional anxiety medication or just something different.
Thanks in advance x

I can,t say I have ever had them . However if you enter the drug name into you browser ,you will find lots of info on the drug including its potential side effects. If you still have concerns then have a chat with the GP that prescribed them to you.

Take care .

Hello Missy :)

Since it's and SSRI it will take a few weeks until you get the full effect from the medication. It'a common to feel even worse in your depression and anxiety the first weeks. After the first weeks you should feel better again. If not, you should go back to your doctor :)

I've recently come off of these tablets

It's important to take them as prescribed, as they build up in your system and improve your base-level mood. Reaching that base-level can take several weeks, and expect a rollercoaster of ups and downs n that time. That doesn't mean they're not working, you're just getting used to them.

I took them with minimal side effects for over 5 years. The only side effect i can seem to remember is a bit of heartburn now and then. If they don't work after say 6-8 weeks, recommend going back to GP as maybe you need an alternative


Fluoxetine was the first antidepressant I ever took, but it can be used for both anxiety and depression. It takes at least 6-8 weeks to get into your system and if you don't feel any difference after that, most doctors would suggest changing up the dose before moving you to something else or adding in another medication. It may be that the dose simply isn't enough for you. Less than a week is not enough time for it to set in.

It's common to feel worse before better with anti depressants, but I would mention to your GP if this includes any thoughts of suicide or harming yourself (which is possible with any of these medications). I personally had no side effects with this one, but have had them with others from the same class. Usually any effects will wear off within that 6-8 week time frame of your body accepting the medication and getting used to it.

Thank you everyone for your responses, I'm a little clearer now on what to expect. Hopefully it won't take as long as six weeks for the medication to kick in, doctor said two to four weeks. Going back in two weeks so I'll discuss it with her then.
As always you have been super helpful, I can always rely on the lovely people here x

Hiya missy, like with all antidepressants, fluoxetine is different for everyone. I had no issues with it. It took 6 weeks to settle in.

I was prescribed it after I was initially given Seroxat and like many others(there was a Panorama special about it) I had almost life threatening side effects.

A tip I have for you is have a "spy", someone you are close to who can monitor your mood. They will pick up when you're not quite right quicker than you might. I have several spies who know about my current medication (citalopram) and alert me if I'm acting out of character.

Wait your 6 weeks, contact your GP IMMEDIATELY if you become worse of have thoughts about harming yourself.

Loads of love your way!

I was able to look up my tablets by going on it is a useful site for comparing similar drugs, hope this helps.

RosyCheek wrote:

Wait your 6 weeks, contact your GP IMMEDIATELY if you become worse of have thoughts about harming yourself.

Agree with this. Some side effects are to be expected, but if you ever come to have suicidal thoughts or think about harming yourself or others, you MUST contact your doctor

Thanks again everyone, very useful information. Not had any suicidal thoughts yet but if I do I'll get in touch with my GP.
RosyCheek thank you for the tip on having a "spy", I'll find someone to act as mine.

I think that is the one my wife is on and shes had no problems with it. Like everyone has said it just takes a few weeks to kick in then you will be back on track. Just hang on in ther 😚😚

Hope that it works out for you and gets you feeling back on track :)