Please help - sex advice and, is it cheating?

I read through and there was so much I wanted to say, but having read the update I see there's no need. All I want to say is you clearly love your husband. I've been on the other end of online/text 'cheating', it hurt significantly (far more to it that I won't bore you with) and I would actually say think very carefully before you admit or discuss this. I worry still. There's issues left. If I was him, I would be thinking is she going to every time this may crop up etc. If you've no intention of going back there, move forward and leave it where it is - done with. Don't drag it up and cause yourself unnecessary problems with your partner. Huge hugs to you!

Thank you everyone. It has been a few days and OH and I have had a lot of heart to hearts. I told him about roleplaying with one off anononymous people on the site and he is not upset, he said he sees it like porn but if I knew the person or kept with the same one he would have been upset. I still apologised for doing it without telling him first. My account has stayed deleted and have not made a new one, he is not too bothered with opening a joint one so we have left it. It is him I want to be with after all. I did tell him about coming on here and he actually read through some of the threads with me. He loves the "weirdest fetish or turn on" threads and it actually seems to really work him up! He ordered me some clear glasses for a game. Yay!

I can't thank everyone enough for supporting me and giving me courage because it has made a big impact on our relationship. Not all the way there yet, but I dont expect a 360 in 3 days. Can't wait for the glasses and our trip to Starbucks for a tease game.

Big hugs to you all!! :)

As a side note, I have to say that I love the general atmosphere of everyone on here, and how many people seem so comfortable in their own bodies with sexy pictures at all different wonderful shapes and sizes, it is amazingly confidence boosting seing real people so comfortable with themselves and their sexuality away from media standards. I am a little bit in love with this site. :)