
Not sure if this has already been a thread but i read an article today which made me curious.

Men and women's opinions would be great!

So porn - no longer a dirty word whispered in dark corners but widely available! So my questions -

Does this have implications on the general sex lives of teenagers and young men and women?

Do men see sex in a different way and think that real women resemble porn stars?

Has any woman on here been treated in the same way many female porn stars r treated?

Thanks x

As the mother of teenagers I think it does have implications, I know mine look at it, and it worries me that they will have a skewed view of what a woman should look like based on the typical porn star image and that girls think they should look like that. I've stopped making them delete their phones etc because I know the minute they go to school they'll get more off their mates so now I don't encourage it but I do talk to them about it. I have also set filters on the home pc and mine is locked lol. Doesn't help probably that mine go to a boys school so girls are very intriguing but 'm sure in the end they'll realise that it's not how things are in everyday life but the ease of access on impressionable minds is a bit worrying. On the other side of things I've had men (boys) as young as 18 approach me looking for a Mistress, when to be honest I think they still need their mum!

Having lived through this era myself (where porn has become more readily available throughout the years) I'd say that yes, definitely there are implications. Even when I was 11-12 boys I knew what a blow job was and would even go as far as to ask for them!

It's disgusting and I'm sure by now it's getting worse and worse. I do think that there is a huge focus on sex in the media but im quite happy that there are shows such as the sex education show to help discuss the important, embarrassing issues. I just don't think the kids are watching them.

I'm not so sure that porn is the main problem but more the focus media has on it, pretty much all of the TV I watch has at least 1 sex reference per episode in it.

Obviously we can't stop teenagers from having sex, the best thing we can do is educate them on the consequences. My sex education wasnt great, we wern't told anything about STI's or STD's. I don't remember contraception being discussed either. I know we talked about condoms but we wernt told where we could find them. I know far too many girls the same age as me (19-20) who are either pregnant or have a child. It's sad, although I'm happy for those girls, they will never have the life they dreamed of because they wernt aware of what might happen if they wernt "safe".

I'm not sure my points are that valid as I am infact a teenager (19) but nevertheless I wanted to share my thoughts :)

ClareB xxx

Clare all points of view are valid regardless of your age.

As a mum of 2 girls, at the moment too young to have any understanding of sex and who watch very little TV here at home I am concerned about the level of sexualisation we see on TV. But more than that the sex education in this country is not working and has not been for a long time.

Underage pregnancy, the level of STDs, the fact that NICE have had to change the advice on the first line of treatment for gnonarea because the current drugs are no longer working all say the as a society we do not talk openly enough about sex for our children to learn the truth and to be responsible and SAFE.

rant over


The sexuality everywhere does have implications. But I think if the kids are well aware of the issues especially with the sexuality, then it can be bit of an issue. I think that talk about sex and all other things which come up round the teenage age are important and sometimes lacking. I got very good education at school, they talked to us about the risks of sex, we even had someone HIV positive sharing his story with us and we did talk about how to avoid pregnancy and getting any STD. Frankly, not all parents dare to do that and although lot schools in this country do their best, some can still be lacking. I sometimes feel we worry more about the availability of porn, but never enough about the lack of information from sexual education, by either parents or school.

And honestly, during the teenage age, the hormonal levels go up fast, so part of it is natural curiosity. Unfortunately it can be satisfied too easily.

As for porn, I prefer the amateur one, I tend not to like professional porn too much. I remember my OH found a spanking scene for me, but I was too distracted by the fact I could count the womans ribs.

Laveila wrote:

I sometimes feel we worry more about the availability of porn, but never enough about the lack of information from sexual education, by either parents or school.

I can second that.

The availability of porn is like crossing busy roads - yes, there is a heavy traffic , it is dangerous, you can get easily hit unless and even when you follow certain rules and take precautions, that is, education is the starting point.

We cannot cut out children off porn no matter how much we may try. They are naturally curious and will satisfy this curiosity when another child brings in some photos at school or when they visit other home, not to mention internet and TV.

At the same speaking openly about sex, porn, love, STD, pregnancy, relationship, etc is a must for developing the sense of one's responsibility for making the righ choices and taking the right course of action. Just like crossing the roads (not that it is so simple in practice, unfortunately).

I think porn is utterly boring!

Jo wrote:

The availability of porn is like crossing busy roads - yes, there is a heavy traffic , it is dangerous, you can get easily hit unless and even when you follow certain rules and take precautions, that is, education is the starting point.

Jo, I don't think I've ever heard a metaphor for our (seemingly) highly sexualised society that is so true.

Cheers ShaftMaster!

There's an interesting link between erectile dysfunction and porn that's an alarming, growing trend. Porn desensitises, rather like horror films, it has to progress and become more and more hardcore, or it won't give the viewer the desired effect. I read a forum once of young men supporting each other when going cold porn turkey so they could get hard for their real live girlfriends again, and that's just sad.

It has always progressed, Hammer House Of Horror films and 'What the butler saw' machines aren't going to scare or turn anyone on anymore, but the internet has definately put things into overdrive. I miss the days of soggy porn mags in lay bys and woods, probably left there by smutty foxes.

Spot on, NerdyLucy!

Porn is similar to Facebook and the like: if it gets out of control and you have no real life!

It is alright (let me me say, according to me) for occasional entertainment, for some sex tips, for variety, fun and so on, but if you get hooked up too much, you would prefer it to the real thing.

I know someone who would regularly go to work at 6:00am leaving his beautiful young wife at home , so he can watch porn at the office before colleagues' arrival .

sorry to say Jo but that is very sad indeed especially if he has the real thing in a young, beautiful wife whom he could spend the extra hour or so with instead of watching the porn! He must be truly unhappy that's all I can say.


ronnie-baby wrote:

sorry to say Jo but that is very sad indeed especially if he has the real thing in a young, beautiful wife whom he could spend the extra hour or so with instead of watching the porn! He must be truly unhappy that's all I can say.


Completely agree porn is a very damaging thing and yes there is artistic porn however its few and far between! Sad he feels the need to go to work an hour early to get his "fix" of porn!

But i must say who knows what goes on behind closed doors


ronnie-baby wrote:

sorry to say Jo but that is very sad indeed especially if he has the real thing in a young, beautiful wife whom he could spend the extra hour or so with instead of watching the porn! He must be truly unhappy that's all I can say.


Completely agree porn is a very damaging thing and yes there is artistic porn however its few and far between! Sad he feels the need to go to work an hour early to get his "fix" of porn!

But i must say who knows what goes on behind closed doors


I actually have quite a positive view of porn.

Growing up as a gay kid who really wasn't comfortable with his sexuality for several years, having the Internet was a godsend. Being able to readily find images (and later videos) of naked guys to look at really helped me to explore that side of myself, and gradually get used to the idea of it all and come to terms with it. I daresay if I'd not had the opportunity to indulge those urges bit by bit as they arose, then I would have repressed them for much longer, and it would have hampered my growth.

atlanta wrote:

I think porn is utterly boring!

Hear, hear! At least, 99% of it is, and the rest is of dubious quality.

I think some porn is ok. Agreed 99% of the mass produced US stuff is boring, but watch some vintage French, Italian, or Scandinavian porn from the 70s-80s and it can be quite erotic.

Think it is quite natural in puberty, once you start getting interested in the opposite sex, to read or watch porn. After all, how are you supposed to know what a woman looks like and what bits go where. It's not like you get thaught in school or you can ask your parents? Once you actually get into bed with someone - you pretty quickly learn that it doesn't really work like in films, and then you learn from there.

Janny: no, you cannot ask that at school, but the problem is, we worry about sex presentation at TV and what effect it will have, but honestly, lot of people dont get even told at school about how to avoid pregnancy, what LSD are and how to avoid them... And maybe even explaining some of the terms would be good.

Plus, what everyone likes, is very personal preference. So in life you have to find out with every new partner, you hardly can use the tricks your previous one loved. But as for what bits go where... I had a lovely book on human reproduction and they actually said it in the pubertal version.

But I guess its easier to watch porn, than ask for advice, but then we cannot be surprised, that LSD is rising relatively fast in the population, that there are teenager pregnancies if we dont teach kids how to avoid these. Having sex is easy, living with consequences of your mistakes may not be so, especially as far as HIV goes.

Sure, but he is one of the bosses and I believe he is still is on the same position.