Position of the Week - Vote for the Winner!

Cheers @Very-Ape :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: not as neat as Ian’s but ive now worked out how to put the photos in the polls (just dont want to fiddle with it for fear of scrubbing everyones votes :scream_cat:) so if i have to fill in for him again, it will look less cobbled together :+1:


Everyone’s votes :thinking: You mean 100% for hard press because no one wants an injury :rofl:


:rofl: i know @rosiedosie , of all the options its definitely one of the more challenging ones.
Could have been worse though, i could have rolled this

Im grateful for small mercies :rofl:


I barely have a good balance on 2 feet let alone try this one :joy:


At least with that you could be up against a wall :rofl:


I’d be up for trying the Hammock… quite like the idea of your wrists being restrained and it is quite a vulnerable position :thinking: … and at least your partner gets a box to sit on rather than the position being reliant on a piece of magic cardboard this week! :joy:

Still voting for Hard Press though.

Thank you stand in announcer @Green_Eyed_Girl !


I gotcha girl but so far I’m the only one to take on The Hammock
Where’s your sense of adventure people?

It is an absolutely super duper pick. Safe sex? What’s that?


:rofl: depends of your definition of safe i suppose @Melody1 . Its alot safer than having sex in a shark tank or on a ferries wheel.
it seemed more fine when i read it to be honest, definitely a trust exercise but the person on top wraps their legs round their partners back so your not 100% dependent on their hands. Id deploy some strategic cushions personally though


yeah, I got this one !

more concerned about whether the box / chair can take it :joy:

Sex in a shark tank, now there’s one for the adrenalin junkies. I used to be in an ‘underwater cuddle club’ but not to thrilled by sex in the water so I have an excuse to pass :grin:


Underwater cuddle club Sounds fun (as long as your not cuddling sharks that is :shark:)
Hope the position is fun, you’ll have to try and sell it to everyone else i feel though. Not many takers at the moment.


Nice job. :+1: Do you fancy doing the DOTDs as well for a bit?

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I will have a bash @Ian_Chimp . No promises about them being done early. Sleeping like log with the m.e. At the moment.
Cant fill in for long periods (only have so much energy) but here and there is fine dude :+1:



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Any more takers for the hammock? Right now hard press is basically winning hands down :rofl:

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Just me then!


Need more adventurous souls, willing to risk life and limb in the name of good sex :wink:

But in all seriousness, its not a tricky as it looks by the sound of it. Does require a little upper body strength on someones part, but hooking your legs round sounds like it balances everything well


@discobot roll1d120

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@discobot roll 1d120

:game_die: 63