Rabbit HELP?

I have read over and over, the adoration poured on rabbit vibrators. My wife hates them. I would say that it might be a product of buying cheaper toys, but our first high end toy (for the price of $170.00 retail) years ago was a rabbit and it was hit or miss if she enjoyed it. We have had several different types but she constantly talks about the pinpoint vibration on her clip is not enjoyable / uncomfortable. With our new love of Lelo toys, she was looking at their rabbit, the name escapes me right now, and said that she would be willing to give it a shot. Honestly, I think she just wants to own the entire Lelo line.
My question is, has anyone else has similar issues with rabbits? And if so, does a certain shape of clit stimulator make a difference? I known that she does not like the traditional rabbit ears and didn't like the pointy nature of the toy I mentioned earlier. I definitely don't want to spend the large sum of money on the Lelo one for it to just sit idle in our box though the material and shape do seem like they would be the answer if there is one.
As usual, I know that I will get great feedback here and am looking forward to your responses, as I would love for my wife to have another great toy for play. The combination of internal and external stimulation sounds great. While we love them very much, her latest, the Mona Wave and her Gigi, are one or the other, though they do the job magnificently.

I have been lucky that all the rabbits I have tried, have fitted my annotomy quite well, therefore giving me great pleasure. I currently use this http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=15335 but my favourite is this http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=29419 which I really recommend.

If you purchase a rabbit and your wife doesn't enjoy it, don't forget you can return it and get a refund x

Some rabbit ears can be a little pointy and I can see how that could be uncomfortable. I own the Slimline Jessica Rabbit and my main complaint about it is how the pointy tips can get pokey. I don't really mind when I'm about to be sent over the edge, but it can hurt at the beginning.

I'm not sure if it's the pointy ears that she dislikes or if pinpoint stimulation on the clit just isn't her thing. Anyhow, I would recommend trying out the rabbit vibrators with broader, rounder ears or simply forego the traditional rabbit ears altogether.

Here are the Lelos (I think your wife will love these!)

Lelo Ina 2: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=26153

Lelo Soraya: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=20546

This one is really interesting since it has rabbit ear attachments so she can experiment to see which works for her best:

Adrien Lastic Cassidy: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=28567

And this one seems to get a lot of love as well!

Whooper Swan: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=22242

Hopefully one of these will work out for her!

Have a look at this one too http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=31803, I did have a painful experience with pokey ears of the first rabbit I bought as well and this one was nothing like it. The ear is so bendable it can easily fit anyone :). You should know the clit part is not exactly crazy powerful though.

Good luck with the choice, let us know what you decide and how it goes :D!

Lelo Ina 2: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=26153

Lelo Soraya: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=20546

Minkish Minx: After I posted, I went and looked at both of these and am up in the air about which one to try. Maybe both!!!! She doesn't mind direct stimulation, so pretty sure that it is stimulation from a sharper point, so both may change the game. I do appreciate the feedback. It may not be in the next week or so but I will report back as soon as I make a decision and five it a try.

The ears can be a bit pointy and uncomfortable on some rabbits so I can see where she's coming from. I think a rabbit with a rounded clitoral stimulator rather than the traditional ears is definitely the way to go!

If you know she does like clit stim, it is a pointy ears problem. A lot of people have it, and a lot of lines are starting to fix it with rounder ears, a single round nubbins or such like.

I reccomend the Tracey Cox rechargable rabbit, for sure.
I'm not a fan of Lelo so havent tried their rabbit, but Ina 2 or Ina Wave might be for you.

The LELO INA Wave maybe something she will enjoy but i prefer the MONA wave, which is the same but without the rabbit ear