Rant Thread - Get it all out here

@Kitty-Cat01 if they did they may have their eyes open to a wonderful world of Lovehoney :kissing_heart::hugs:

It turned up! They left it around the side of the house and didn’t bother to knock :woman_shrugging: Never mind, I’ve got it now!

That’s one way of looking at it! I’m not sure I’d be able to look them in the eye for quite some time though :joy:

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I had this happen some time last week and when I went back to check the email saying it has been delivered it turned out there was a photo of the items stuffed between two of our bins at the side of the house! :roll_eyes:

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@titania I’ve had that but by the time I got there someone else had beat me to it.

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Good that you have both been started (sorry about your in-laws and the result).

I unexpectedly got the opportunity last week to get my 2nd jab (the day France and Germany suspended the AZ jabs) so of course jumped at the chance. I was amazed to find that an elderly couple I help are still only on their 1st and not due for their 2nd until May.

My bit of the rant - weird to me that within Europe there are millions of the AZ doses sitting around unused but there is talk of them not allowing shipments from the EU to the UK.

We (the UK) are potentially facing a drop in supply anyway because of production issues, get the vaccine to people who are willing to have it and educate others about the benefits of having it (in my opinion).


Not really a rant, but very annoying: my phone has now got so used to my incorrect spelling due to being dyslexic (I think) that it now accepts these as real words and sometimes even auto corrects to the wrong spelling. So, if you keep seeing posts with words like “tge” instead of the and “aer” instead of “are” you know what I mean! I have to check every post at least twice. :roll_eyes:


I post stuff like that cos i have a clumsy thumb! :slightly_smiling_face:


Yea, that doesn’t help!

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Responses welcome, but not required. I feel awkward asking for no responses to a public post. Sometimes when you read a post, you just HAVE to say something. If not, it could end up being the next post on this thread. So absolutely feel free to respond if you need/want :slight_smile:

Here it is: My dogs. I don’t like them. At least not all the time. Sometimes they’re great, other times I wish they’d teleport to another dimension and return my wife gets home from work.

Technically they’re not my dogs. OH wanted them and they’re really her dogs. We agreed if she took care of them that I’d be more than ok with her getting them. Even though they cost a pretty penny, she did a phenomenal job with our last dog so I had no reason to think it would be different this time.

I do help out with them. I don’t have the “not my dogs, not my problem” attitude. I’ll clean their bathroom accidents, the puke, the toys they leave everywhere, sweep their dust bunnies of fur off the floor, feed & water them, and maybe other things. I did mind more in the beginning, but now I don’t really mind nearly as much.

The problem is they’re both super energetic puppies at approx six months old. OH had planned to have them trained in a few specific areas by 8 weeks. Technically that’s really 16 weeks because they aren’t weened from mommy yet till 8 weeks.

As they’re of pure bred pedigree, OH has very, very specific training plans and does not at all want any of the rest of the family to train them in any way shape or form. If they’re chewing the house down, she dowsn’t want us to correct them because it would ruin her training regiment.

If I’m being honest, OH did fix some of that and gave us ways we can stop them from doing entirely reckless stuff while OH is at work. The battles I had to go through just to get the ‘ok’ for that though, sheesh.

Anyway, fast forward till now. They are between 6-8 months old. One barks and barks and barks and barks. I blink? He barks. The back yard exists? He barks. It’s Friday? He barks. It is nearly intolerable.

The problem isn’t actually so much that he’s barking, it’s one of the two tones that he uses when he barks. He has a more high pitched tone is when he’s barking at nothing (yes, literally nothing). That particular tone literally shakes the insides of my head. It is the most irritating obnoxious thing in my life right now. It literally causes an involuntary reflex that if he was closer when he did it I’d probably be PETA’s #1 enemy.

He does have a deeper “real dog” bark that he uses when there is actually something to bark at. If someone is at the door, the tone he uses for that is almost exactly the kind you would ever hope and dream that your dog would have. Not rattling your brain and also so much more intimidating so as to dissuade the not-so-friendly types from trying anything crazy.

That second bark is rarely heard though. As soon as I hear the “nothing” bark I go to look outside and there is nothing. No birds, no cats, no people, no wind. Just nothing. And if I can’t stand the sound of my own dog, I KNOW my neighbors can’t stand it.

Problem is OH doesn’t want any of us to take corrective action. So I literally sit in misery until it’s their bed time and I can put them in their kennels until OH gets home and lets them out for a potty break.

Today I caught myself making very rude comments about the dogs in front of my son. The way he looked at me after I said the most recent thing cut my heart. That’s when I realized I seriously need to have a tallk with OH.

It’s getting to the point where something needs to happen with the dogs. If she doesn’t do something, or doesn’t at least show us how she wants the dogs to be trained not to bark, I’m probably going to outright ‘Dexter’ him. I focus on the male because the female is silent and only gets noisy when they play rough with each other.

I’m dreading the conversation because we’ve had it a few times before. And not at all to drag OH’s name through the mud. It’s not like she’s neglecting the dogs, I think she’s just not got the time to properly manage them.

OH is an “A” type personality that will just take whatever task is on her list, crush it, and move onto the next. But this year, she has a full time job like I do, she also monitors homeschooling for our son during the day and she also wants to train the dogs.

I haven’t ever seen her take on too much before so this is admittedly new territory for me in our almost 12 years of marriage. This time I think she’s overwhelmed and I don’t know if she even realizes it yet.

But I can’t have an environment where I literally want to end my dog every few minutes. Especially since my emotions about it are verbally overflowing out of the bottle, and now affecting my son in that he’s witnessing it.

So end of rant. Again, please feel free to respond if you want to or need to. I won’t say not to respond but I also am not asking you to.

The ugly part is I don’t even really feel much better like I thought I would after typing all this. I guess it does help in some ways to be able to express this. Thanks for being my blank sheet of paper LH! :smiley:

Edit: F–k I feel like a whiny b–ch. Scroll up a bit and see some really real life stuff going on. So sorry @MsR. Almost would delete this post but I think it shows that someone’s always got it worse.

I don’t recall who it was, but whoever it was that might read this post and think “He told me the exact opposite just a couple days ago!” I apologize lol

And I still think I was right about what I said, but having the two opposites so close together I think is what makes this feel more awkward. It’s about timing.

You need a strong honest conversation with your wife to get the dogs trained properly, it’s not fair on you, and neither is it fair that the dog’s behaviour is making you hate them, it’s not their fault. I have always had rescue dogs, and have never had a problem with their behaviour, other than getting them used to trusting humans again. Please for all your sakes, get them trained by a reputable trainer.


Yes you are right to be angry. It’s double standards on their part. Your husband needs to tell them in no uncertain terms, that how you earn a living is your business and that he backs you all the way. Easier said than done i know. You brother in law’s mate should have kept his gob shut.


Double standards at their finest… you be you and to hell with what they think. Does your webcam affect your ability to be a caring and compassionate person? Are you a different person today than you were before they found out? Bloody ridiculous!


Good for him.

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Exactly this. Workmate is a s**t stirrer and in-laws are rather small minded sad people. Do what you do nothing wrong with that. Keep seeing your father in law and if they have issues tell them to keep away when you are going around. Keep your head up and stay happy


You’re absolutely right to be pissed off @Justthe2ofus2007. I’m sure this is the last thing your family needs at this time of grief.
It’s no one else’s business what you do but sadly some people think they’ve a god given right to interfere.

This is the reason I don’t show my face on cam unless it’s in a private chat with someone, I wouldn’t want my family to start passing judgement on me if I was recognised. No one has right to keep you away from any member of your family, this mate of your brother in law should have kept his nose out of it and said nothing.

None of this makes you a bad person and people who are happy to watch web cammers but then slag them off as prostitutes are massive hypocrites.


That’s really unfair of them @Justthe2ofus2007, so sorry to hear that. Sending lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:


@anon8189768 I used to run a dog group. I will get back to you with the name of a great online trainer. In the meantime, tire the dogs out with a walk in the morning - no point doing it later. Don’t punish them for getting over excited, just pop them in their crate or bed with a chew for a quiet 5 mins - time out, not a punishment. Don’t use any methods which are based on scaring them - use rewards instead. Try to do some of the homeschooling yourself so that it isn’t falling to your OH.
More later…


Try The Complete Canine Online on Facebook and Instagram :+1:

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There is a window of opportunity to train puppies age 8 weeks onwards.
Then you will have to do it all again when they hit adolescence (up to a year?) :slight_smile:
A lot depends on the breed / cross - what sort of dogs are they?
Most can master the basics. Sighthounds and lurchers may have a strong prey drive and issues with recall - keep those on a lead unless they are in a safe and enclosed space.
In terms of chewing - use distraction. An antler or squeaky toy to divert their attention.

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:rage: :rage: :rage: I want to lash out with unpleasant feelings. Absolutely not at you @Justthe2ofus2007, but the fact that anyone could make another person feel that way. I’m so sorry you even have to go through this. Ugh.

I’m stuffing my feelings in a box for a moment so I can reply to this without going off on angry rants. Ok. here it goes.

Now that it’s been a few minutes without having my upset feelings try to dictate what my fingers do here on the keyboard, I will admit that I’m very sexually open to a lot. I do think there are some who really are not.

But regardless of what anyone saw on the internet, you deserve to tell your side of the story. You’re family after all, and ESPECIALLY with that fact you deserve the benefit of the doubt. At least you deserve to be heard before being just blocked and ‘kicked out’ of the family. I find the reaction to be unbelievable.

I think it’s good that nobody is visiting you before Sunday. As much as I know I’d not be feeling this advice myself, it’s wise to have time to let things cool (if at all possible) before having discussions like the one that’s about to come up this weekend.

As this is a highly emotional situation as well, I recommend making a written list of things you want to say and talk about. Also recommend a list of questions you want to ask.

If you’re anything like me, I know I need 7 things when I go to the supermarket. But as soon as I walk through the doors of the store, I immediately forget 5 out of the 7 items.

So that’s about all I got for now. I just kinda got a mental block that came out of nowhere. I sincerely feel I’m doing horrible for thoughts right now. Will definitely reply with more when my brain gets food or whatever it needs :grimacing:

I do wish you the best @Justthe2ofus2007. Good luck!

@WillC: I humble myself and yet I respectfully, and at least partly disagree. Yes, nobody needs to be blabbing other people’s business to other people. On the flip side though, I don’t know their intent. If my wife was running a cam show and I didn’t know about it, I’d want someone to tell me. If the person making the initial discovery had honest intentions, then I could maybe understand.

With that, I don’t know who all knows who, and who knows what, and what the intentions were. If he was just being a jerk then definitely your statement is right on. But if at all it’s possible his intentions came from a caring heart, then I sympathize. Now how the family reacted, imo, is entirely inappropriate and I hope it can be resolved before bridges get burned and hard feelings get solidified.

Again I wish the best for @Justthe2ofus2007 and OH :hugs:

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