rigid cock ring query

debating getting one of the metal cock rings in the sale for us, however they are all described as cock and ball. We are only after something for the base of the shaft really and have measured a dia of juat under 2 inch.

will the 1.75 rings offer enough restriction?

many thanks

I have a variety of cock rings, and although I don't think I'm the largest chap, I find that anything over 1.6in doesn't restrict enough.

Sadly LH really don't offer a great selection of rigid steel rings - there are other places which sell 10-15 different sizes. Look for ones measured in mm rather than in, and maybe 38-40mm is a good size for decent restriction

But, with LH return policy it's worth the gamble isn't it?

Thats what we were thinking!

Wanted to get something rigid as 'stretchy' ones just dont restict enough for our liking.

Thanks for the info, might go for it with a few other bits, would be rude not to!